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3 spreads

Are you still loo­king for spreads that bring more varie­ty to the table and are quick to prepa­re? The guaca­mo­le, cas­hew spread and a pea pas­te are ful­ly compliant. 

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  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 140g toma­toes
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1/2 oni­on
  • 1 small clove of garlic
  • pri­ze sea-salt


Cut the avo­ca­do into pie­ces and mash the fle­sh with a fork. Add the lemon juice and salt. Then wash the toma­toes and cut them into small pie­ces. Final­ly, fine­ly chop the oni­on and gar­lic clove and add to the avo­ca­do with the sli­ced toma­toes. Mix ever­y­thing well.

The con­sis­ten­cy of the guaca­mo­le can be chun­ky or very fine, depen­ding on your pre­fe­rence. Fans of leafy cori­an­der add some fine­ly chop­ped coriander.

Pea spread



Chop the oni­on and gar­lic clove and sau­té with the peas on a medi­um heat. Steam fro­zen peas for about 10 minu­tes, if using fresh peas then only a few minu­tes. Mix with the herbs and a litt­le salt and chop even­ly in a blen­der to crea­te a cre­a­my spread. 

Cashew spread


  • 100 g soa­ked in water Cas­hews (at least 4 hours) 
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • half a bunch of basil 
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • some­thing sea-salt


Soak the cas­hews in water over­night or for at least 4 hours. Pour away the soa­king water. Squeeze half the lemon and put it in the blen­der with the fresh basil, the chop­ped gar­lic clove, a litt­le water and a litt­le salt and puree. 

Bon appe­tit!

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