
7 keys to the power of the summer sun

The sun is a powerful hea­ler if we know how to use its power cor­rect­ly. In this artic­le, find out what bene­fits you can deri­ve from the power of the sun and how you can pro­tect yours­elf from excess. 
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Sunshine, a powerful healer

Step­ping into the suns­hi­ne on a hot sum­mer day fills you with warmth and ener­gy – just like love does. We all know how soot­hing the warmth of the sun feels, espe­ci­al­ly after a long, cold win­ter, but many of us don’t know why.

The sun is an excep­tio­nal­ly powerful hea­ler, and not just becau­se it increa­ses our vit­amin D levels. In fact, it increa­ses EVERY sin­gle vit­amin and mine­ral in our body equal­ly: the poly­phe­nols, antho­cya­no­si­des, mine­rals, vit­amins, nut­ri­ents, ome­ga 3/6/9 fat­ty acids – lite­ral­ly ever­y­thing that makes our bodies func­tion.
So enjoy and rep­le­nish your sun stores when­ever you can, and don’t be afraid of this ama­zing reme­dy – just don’t over­do it!

A fatal myth

We have all heard over the years that the sun cau­ses skin can­cer. Let us assu­re you that this is not true. If that were true, then why are mil­li­ons of peo­p­le who never go out in the sun affec­ted by skin can­cer? Fea­ring this myth will only pre­vent you from harnes­sing the sun’s heal­ing properties.

Best practice

Rea­dy to enjoy the heal­ing power of the sun? Then the­re are a few things to consider.

Start slow­ly – go out in the mor­ning or after­noon, depen­ding on the time of year. Start with five minu­tes and work up to 20 minu­tes.
Find a shady spot during the heat of the day becau­se you don’t want to get bur­ned.
It’s important to crea­te a gent­le base to allow your skin to adjust.
In spring, the slow­ly warm­ing days are the best time to go out­side and enjoy the suns­hi­ne. This is how you build a good foun­da­ti­on naturally.

Helpful foods for sunburn

If you acci­den­tal­ly get sun­b­ur­ned, here are some ama­zin­gly hel­pful foods to help you recover.

  • Aloe vera – The inner pulp of the Aloe Vera leaf helps to instant­ly soo­t­he and redu­ce the burn when appli­ed to a bur­ned area. Con­ti­nue app­ly­ing the aloe and watch the burn resol­ve. While aloe is very effec­ti­ve when appli­ed direct­ly to the skin, it is even more effec­ti­ve when taken intern­al­ly. Aloe con­ta­ins more than 70 trace mine­rals grou­ped into undis­co­ver­ed medi­cinal alloys. The­se alloys, tog­e­ther with the secon­da­ry plant sub­s­tance alo­in, have an anti-inflamm­a­to­ry effect.
  • Man­goes – This fruit hand­les the heat like no other. Even in extre­me tem­pe­ra­tures, the man­go knows how to pro­tect its­elf; its outer shell pro­tects the inner pulp. When we eat man­goes, we also inter­na­li­ze their inner cool­ness. They teach us that it is pos­si­ble to over­co­me extre­me situa­tions wit­hout bur­ning up inside.
  • Cucum­bers – Do you know the expres­si­on “Cold as a cucum­ber”? If you are over­hea­ted in any way (sun­b­ur­ned, irri­ta­ble, angry, etc.), use the coo­ling power of cucum­ber to cool you down. Cucum­bers hydra­te at the deepest cel­lu­lar level, have a foun­tain of youth effect, and cool a hot, sta­g­nant liver. Cucum­bers con­tain elec­tro­ly­te com­pounds spe­ci­fi­cal­ly desi­gned to nou­rish and cool over­work­ed adre­nal glands and kid­neys. Cucum­ber juice is gre­at for chro­nic dehy­dra­ti­on and after spen­ding too long in the sun.
  • coco­nut – Coco­nut water is remar­kab­ly simi­lar to human blood. Coco­nuts are also rich in trace ele­ments and electrolytes.
  • sweet pota­toes – The oran­ge fle­sh of sweet pota­toes is rich in beta-caro­te­no­ids. Eat them dai­ly, espe­ci­al­ly if you have fair skin, and you’ll see your skin take on a sun-kissed glow.

The importance of hydration

Stay­ing hydra­ted is always important, but you should pay extra atten­ti­on when you’­re out in the sun. The type of water and the amount you drink play a big role. The key to deep hydra­ti­on at the cel­lu­lar level is living water.

How can I make living water?

Sin­ce we don’t have access to fresh, run­ning mine­ral spring water, it’s important to bring the water we do have back to life. The best way to do this is to sim­ply add some fresh­ly squeezed lemon juice to the water.

The lemon tree draws mine­rals and living water from the earth through its roots to grow the lemon fruit. So the lemon con­ta­ins the­se living water forces in its juice. If you put this into the water, it trans­fers the power of this natu­ral living water to your water and brings it back to life. An addi­tio­nal bene­fit of using lemon is that it also helps cle­an­se and flush out the liver and lympha­tic system.

To real­ly char­ge your living water, place a glass jar or pit­cher in the sun and let the sun shi­ne through it. This enri­ches the water with more nut­ri­ents and inten­si­fies the nut­ri­ents alre­a­dy con­tai­ned in lemon juice.

Ano­ther way to bring your water back to life is to add some raw honey. Raw honey is a micro­nu­tri­ent based living food and essence that we have on this planet.

Do what you like best – enjoy your water with lemon, honey and a few sli­ces of gin­ger, for exam­p­le. Or just add grape­fruit or a litt­le lime juice. Howe­ver you bring your water back to life, know that you are hel­ping to nou­rish every cell in your body. (Note from Team Cele­ry Juice: In this artic­le You can find even more ways to revi­ta­li­ze your water.)

Sunlight and “The Saints 4” 

Our pla­net is curr­ent­ly in a poor sta­te when it comes to sun­light due to pol­lu­ti­on of all kinds. To fix this pro­blem, we need to bring more light into our lives in the form of the Sacred 4 food groups – fruits, vege­ta­bles, wild foods and herbs and spi­ces. As the vines and trees in the­se food groups grow, they absorb, coll­ect and con­cen­tra­te sun­light. When we eat the­se foods, the nut­ri­ents and infor­ma­ti­on from sun­light are pas­sed on to our bodies. Our cells absorb the light and radia­te it throug­hout our bodies and brains, radia­ting its ener­gy and life force.

Angel of the Sun

Call on this angel to help the sun work for you even bet­ter than it nor­mal­ly alre­a­dy does. Alt­hough the sun is alre­a­dy an incre­di­bly powerful heal­ing agent for our bodies, invo­king the Angel of the Sun helps to ampli­fy the sun’s heal­ing powers. It helps the sun’s rays pene­tra­te your body in a way that pro­mo­tes your health. The sun is a medi­ci­ne, and tel­ling us to avo­id the sun is doing us a dis­ser­vice. When you call on the Angel of the Sun you can con­nect on a soul level.

The sun has a soul

It is important for us to under­stand that the sun has a soul so that we can allow it to do more for us than just impro­ve our vit­amins, mine­rals and nut­ri­ents. The sun is ali­ve! A living crea­tu­re that is con­stant­ly in moti­on. Our soul can sen­se the soul of the Sun, and invo­king the Angel of the Sun can help us con­nect to this understanding.

What is your rela­ti­onship with the sun?

Source: Munee­za Ahmed

(Note from Team Cele­ry Juice: Munee­za Ahmed is pro­ba­b­ly the best-known prac­ti­tio­ner in Ame­ri­ca, who was a cli­ent of our favo­ri­te aut­hor for seve­ral years in con­nec­tion with her own serious ill­ness and who has been very suc­cessful in advi­sing peo­p­le around the world accor­ding to his tea­chings. She gives high­ly recom­men­ded online cour­ses and brings tog­e­ther, under high­ly com­pe­tent lea­der­ship, a streng­thening com­mu­ni­ty of peo­p­le who want to fol­low their heal­ing path with this knowledge.)

Ger­man trans­la­ti­on: Sabi­ne Menzel

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