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Vegan potato casserole

For fans of cre­a­my pota­to cas­se­ro­les, this vegan ver­si­on is a must. Cas­hew nuts make the deli­cious sau­ce nice and cre­a­my, but the fat con­tent is still quite low. Very fil­ling and sui­ta­ble for child­ren too. 
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For approx. 5 servings


  • 5 lar­ge, flou­ry potatoes 
  • 2 zuc­chi­ni (or kohl­ra­bi if desired)
  • Papri­ka pow­der to taste

For the sauce: 

  • 500 ml water
  • 300 g pee­led and chop­ped potatoes
  • 110g chop­ped carrot 
  • 200g white onion
  • 3 cloves of gar­lic, pee­led and chopped
  • 120g Cas­hews, soa­ked in water for at least 4 hours (half is enough for a low-fat casserole)
  • 125ml water
  • 1 teas­poon Papri­ka powder
  • 1 teas­poon sea-salt


Pre­heat the oven to 200°C.

For the sau­ce, fry the pota­toes, car­rots, oni­ons, gar­lic and pep­pers in a litt­le water in a cera­mic pan for 5 minu­tes. Add 2 cups water and sim­mer until vege­ta­bles are ten­der, about 20 minu­tes. Now put the vege­ta­bles with the raw cas­hews, salt and half a cup of water in a high-speed blen­der and mix on the hig­hest set­ting for 2 minu­tes until cre­a­my and smooth. Sea­son with pepper. 

Peel the pota­toes and zuc­chi­ni and sli­ce them into thin sli­ces. First spread a lay­er of sau­ce in a bak­ing dish, then alter­na­te lay­ers of pota­to sli­ces, zuc­chi­ni sli­ces and sau­ce. The top lay­er should be pota­toes, which crea­tes a deli­cious crust. Sprink­le with a litt­le papri­ka pow­der if desired. 

Cover the pan with bak­ing paper and place in the pre­hea­ted oven. Bake for 40 minu­tes, then remo­ve the bak­ing paper and bake the vegan pota­to cas­se­ro­le for ano­ther 20 minutes. 

Bon appe­tit!

Source: Jackie Lee Gibbs

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