
Potato and pea bites

Fin­ger food at its finest! Sim­ply made and very tasty, the small pota­to and pea bites are a nice opti­on for a snack in bet­ween, a din­ner with a salad as a side dish or even for a buffet. 
Click on the image to watch the video.


  • 7 small or medi­um potatoes
  • 300g fro­zen peas
  • for deco­ra­ti­on: cucum­ber, toma­to, radish, leafy vege­ta­bles, red oni­on, herbs, sprouts, pep­pers, edi­ble flowers, etc.


Steam the peas until ten­der, about 20 minu­tes. Allow to cool slight­ly and then puree brief­ly with the blender.

Steam the pota­toes for about 20–30 minu­tes until they are coo­ked but not mus­hy, allow to cool and then cut into thick sli­ces. Final­ly, spread the pea pas­te onto the pota­to sli­ces and decorate.

Bon appe­tit!

We would like to thank you very much Maar­ja Urb for this deli­cious crea­ti­on of your own. 

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