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What is the difference between barley grass powder and barley grass juice powder?

The­re are important dif­fe­ren­ces bet­ween bar­ley grass pow­der and bar­ley grass juice pow­der. In this artic­le you will find out why bar­ley grass juice pow­der is the winner. 

Bar­ley grass pro­duct offe­rings are made from the who­le grass. The grass is dried and fine­ly pul­veri­zed. That’s why it con­ta­ins all indi­ges­ti­ble com­pon­ents, such as die­ta­ry fibers, which pose a real chall­enge to the human diges­ti­ve tract. Some peo­p­le react to this with sym­ptoms such as fla­tu­lence or diar­rhea. The valuable micro­nu­tri­ents can also only be absor­bed to a limi­t­ed ext­ent from the pow­der. Of cour­se you have fiber, but the­re are cle­ar­ly bet­ter sources of fiber. 

How is barley grass juice powder made? 

The extra­c­ted juice from bar­ley grass pro­vi­des the body with all the nut­ri­ents in a par­ti­cu­lar­ly con­cen­tra­ted amount, so that they can be absor­bed into the body and cells imme­dia­te­ly and wit­hout any effort from the diges­ti­ve tract. For the­se reasons, juices are pro­ces­sed in raw food qua­li­ty and are espe­ci­al­ly recom­men­ded for effec­ti­ve health pro­mo­ti­on and for ill­nesses.
When stir­red into liquid, they dis­sol­ve com­ple­te­ly and pro­vi­de the best pos­si­ble nut­ri­ents and enzy­mes as they are con­tai­ned in fresh grass juice. They are high­ly con­cen­tra­ted and the­r­e­fo­re offer signi­fi­cant added value com­pared to usu­al bar­ley grass powders. 

But the most important thing: They do not have to be bro­ken down by the diges­ti­ve tract, but are absor­bed direct­ly into the body.

Barley grass juice powder instead of barley grass powder

So this is the right choice Bar­ley grass juice pow­der from Vimer­gy, which is an important part of the Hea­vy Metal Detox Smoo­hies is.

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