
New: Ulti-Ashwa­gan­dha™ from Vimergy®:

New: Ulti-Ashwa­gan­dha™ from Vimergy®:

Living Libations 1

Living Libations

Living Libation’s pre­cious skin­ca­re ran­ge is made from 100% wild-har­ve­s­ted, orga­nic ingre­di­ents. The basis of the series are essen­ti­al oils that were deve­lo­ped by her­bal expert Nadi­ne Arte­mis and are used as natu­ral skin care, natu­ral den­tal care, natu­ral hair care and baby care. This uni­que series con­ta­ins 0 % che­mi­cal sub­s­tances, uses 100 % natu­ral bota­ni­cal ingre­di­ents and has a base of the hig­hest qua­li­ty essen­ti­al oils. The exqui­si­te care ran­ge pro­tects, sof­tens, cle­an­ses and nou­ris­hes and has a plea­sant, natu­ral scent.

Living Libations 2
Ever­y­bo­dy Loves the Sunshine
Living Libations 5
Ozon­a­ted Hap­py Gum Gel
Living Libations 10
Hoo­r­ay Hand Cream
Living Libations 11
Sooth­say­er serum
Living Libations 12
Hap­py Gums Toothpaste
Living Libations 14
Mine­ral tooth powder
Living Libations 17
Grape­fruit StellarRenew
Living Libations 18
San­dal­wood BestSkinEver