
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:


When it comes to remo­ving toxic hea­vy metals from the body, calls for zeo­li­te quick­ly beco­me loud. But should­n’t peo­p­le be cal­ling for spi­ru­li­na, bar­ley grass juice pow­der, wild blueber­ries and Atlan­tic dulse? 
Zeolite in glass on base

The disadvantages of zeolite

“They are not good, they dehy­dra­te us and depri­ve us of important trace elements.”

You­Tube Live Sup­ple­ments I took from July 15, 21, 3:08 p.m

Zeo­li­te also can­not lea­ve the intesti­nal tract, enter the blood­stream, and enter your brain to remo­ve hea­vy metals.

Ano­ther con­cer­ning fac­tor is the fact that the indus­try has recent­ly star­ted pro­ces­sing edi­ble forms of zeo­li­te along with ine­di­ble zeo­li­te. This means that all edi­ble zeo­li­te pro­ducts poten­ti­al­ly con­tain traces of the ine­di­ble form of zeo­li­te and can the­r­e­fo­re be extre­me­ly hazar­dous to health:

“Ine­di­ble zeo­li­tes are like asbes­tos, they are dan­ge­rous to swallow.”

You­Tube Live Mind Con­trol & OCD from August 6th, 2021, 54:32

Why did he recommend zeolite back then?

Some time ago, zeo­li­te was on our favo­ri­te author’s sup­ple­ment recom­men­da­ti­on list and he also lis­ted a liquid form of zeo­li­te in his first book. But times have chan­ged. Not only are the­re no lon­ger any high-qua­li­ty zeo­li­te pro­ducts available, but the­re are also bet­ter alter­na­ti­ves available to us the­se days. Atlan­tic Dul­se is now available ever­y­whe­re and takes over the tasks that were par­ti­al­ly attri­bu­ted to zeo­li­te at the time. And Dul­se actual­ly does its job bet­ter, as zeo­li­te has been able to remo­ve a maxi­mum of small resi­dues of hea­vy metals from the diges­ti­ve tract (cf. You­Tube Live Cele­ry Juice, Hea­vy Metal Detox Smoothie, ADHD & Autism from 03/27/21).

The revival of a once dead product

Nowa­days, zeo­li­te pro­ducts are beco­ming tren­dy again with the help of net­work mar­ke­ting, even though they haven’t real­ly hel­ped anyo­ne for over 20 years. Finan­cial inte­rests are ensu­ring that zeo­li­te is on everyone’s lips again. The Hea­vy Metal Detox Smoothie, on the other hand, is known for having brought count­less peo­p­le a bet­ter health life. (see. You­Tube Live Cele­ry Juice, Hea­vy Metal Detox Smoothie, ADHD & Autism from 03/27/21)

The Hea­vy Metal Detox Smoothie is for­mu­la­ted to remo­ve hea­vy metals most effec­tively and safe­ly. All of its com­pon­ents work syn­er­gi­sti­cal­ly and no addi­tio­nal “deto­xi­fi­ca­ti­on pro­ducts” are requi­red to rid the body of metals. You can find more infor­ma­ti­on about this in Artic­le about the Hea­vy Metal Detox Smoothie.

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Celery juice male

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Kasi­mir + Lieselotte

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