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Bean balls on rice spaghetti

Hear­ty balls of black beans in a spi­cy toma­to sau­ce on rice spa­ghet­ti are also enjoy­ed by guests and fami­ly mem­bers. The balls are also very tasty with mil­let or rice and can also be eaten cold at a picnic. 

Ingre­di­ents for 3–4 ser­vings:

Bean balls:



To make the balls, com­bi­ne the black beans, oats, diced oni­on, gar­lic, toma­to pas­te, oni­on pow­der, papri­ka, chi­li pow­der (if using), smo­ked papri­ka, ground cumin, dried ore­ga­no and sea salt (if using) and puree in a food pro­ces­sor until smooth . If neces­sa­ry, use the spa­tu­la to press the mix­tu­re down the sides of the food processor. 

Pre­heat the oven to 200°C. 

Now form the mix­tu­re into small balls (the­re should be around 14–16 pie­ces) and fry in a cera­mic pan over medi­um heat wit­hout fat until brow­ned on all sides. Then spread the balls on a bak­ing tray lined with bak­ing paper and put them in the oven. Bake for 20 minu­tes until crispy.

Put a pot of water on the spa­ghet­ti and cook accor­ding to the packa­ge instructions. 

While the black bean balls are in the oven, prepa­re the mari­nara. To do this, fry the chop­ped oni­on in a pot over medi­um heat for 3–5 minu­tes until trans­lu­cent. Add the gar­lic and fry for ano­ther 2 minutes. 

Next, add the chop­ped toma­toes, toma­to pas­te, dried basil, dried ore­ga­no, coco­nut sugar, red pep­per flakes (if using), and sea salt (if using). Cook, unco­ver­ed, until slight­ly thi­c­ke­ned and fla­vors are absor­bed, 5–7 minu­tes. Add the meat­balls to the pan and toss them in the sau­ce. Ser­ve imme­dia­te­ly over the rice spa­ghet­ti and gar­nish with fresh basil or parsley. 

Bon appe­tit!


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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