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Broccoli patties

Pat­ties don’t have to be bound with egg; the­re is ano­ther way. Chick­peas and broc­co­li are the basis of the­se deli­cious pat­ties, which tas­te best with a refres­hing toma­to dip. 

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Wash the broc­co­li and steam for a few minu­tes until al den­te. Brief­ly chop and mix the drai­ned chick­peas with the broc­co­li, the coar­se­ly chop­ped oni­on and the chop­ped pars­ley in a blen­der. It should­n’t turn into a puree, but should still be slight­ly chunky.

Mix the dry ingre­di­ents in a bowl and then mix with the vege­ta­ble mix­tu­re to form a pat­ty dough (if you like very jui­cy pat­ties, add 150 g of fine­ly gra­ted, squeezed zuc­chi­ni
in addition).

Now heat some coco­nut oil in a pan and in the mean­ti­me form 7–8 pat­ties from the dough. Fry the pat­ties in the hea­ted coco­nut oil for about 5 minu­tes and then careful­ly turn them over. After ano­ther 5 minu­tes the buf­fers are ready.

A toma­to dip goes very well with this.
For a very simp­le toma­to dip, use toma­to pas­te, thy­me, ore­ga­no, Honey. Salt and pep­per, gar­lic and a litt­le water. Mix all the ingre­di­ents in a small bowl and ser­ve as a dip for the patties.

A mixed salad with cucum­ber sli­ces and toma­toes are the per­fect addition.

Enjoy your meal

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