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Aloe vera

Aloe vera is one of the oldest medi­cinal plants and is best known as a true mira­cle cure for the skin. In this artic­le you will find out why the hel­pful pro­per­ties of aloe vera go far bey­ond the skin, plus much more. 
Aloe vera leaves

Use of aloe vera

You can eit­her eat the gel direct­ly, add it to smoothies or drink it as aloe water. To do this, sim­ply puree the gel from the aloe plant tog­e­ther with water. Aloe water is con­side­red revi­ta­li­zed water. You can find more infor­ma­ti­on about revi­ta­li­zing water in the artic­le How can water be revitalized?

Healing effects of aloe vera

Aloe vera is ide­al for exter­nal use burns, cuts, abra­si­ons, brui­ses, insect bites and espe­ci­al­ly Sun­b­urn. Used intern­al­ly, it helps on a much broa­der spectrum:

  • cle­an­ses the colon, helps with con­s­ti­pa­ti­on
  • works anti-inflamm­a­to­ry in the intesti­ne, the­r­e­fo­re hel­pful for IBS, Crohn’s and colitis
  • impro­ves the absorp­ti­on of B12
  • anti­vi­ral, anti­bac­te­ri­al, anti­fun­gal and antiparasitic
  • stops the growth of polyps, redu­ces the growth of Hemor­rhoi­ds
  • cle­ans radia­ti­on from your body
  • help by dark cir­cles under the eyes and does that skin shi­ny (used intern­al­ly more effec­tively than externally)
  • Sin­ce it is alka­li­ne, it helps Aci­di­fi­ca­ti­on to reli­e­ve and the who­le body alka­li­ze 

(Life Chan­ging Foods (p.224). Kind­le version.)

Aloe vera is gene­ral­ly con­side­red a won­derful reme­dy for all types of fresh toxins. You can find more infor­ma­ti­on about this in the artic­le What can I do if I have recent­ly been expo­sed to toxic substances?

Fillet aloe leaf & extract gel

You can get the full heal­ing effect by using fresh aloe vera leaves:

  1. Cut a small pie­ce away from the begin­ning and end of the aloe leaf
  2. Now cut a small pie­ce of about 2 inches (about 5 cm) from the leaf
  3. Fil­let the cut pie­ce with a knife.

Fresh leaf aloe gel when­ever pos­si­ble is best and pro­vi­des grea­ter benefits.

It is best to drink aloe water dai­ly or as often as pos­si­ble for opti­mal effect.

No, it does­n’t. It is important to use the clear aloe gel insi­de the aloe leaf and not the green outer leaf. Howe­ver, if someone is alre­a­dy suf­fe­ring from diar­rhea, it is pos­si­ble that they may still expe­ri­ence diar­rhea when taking new heal­ing foods for the first time.

Yes, it is safe during pregnancy.

Aloe has the most the­ra­peu­tic bene­fits alo­ne or in water, of cour­se you can also mix it into a juice or smoothie or add some lemon and honey. 

Look for the edi­ble lea­ves of “Aloe bar­ba­den­sis”. It’s important to only use edi­ble varie­ties, so if you’­re gro­wing your own aloe, make sure you’­re using the right variety.

Yes, orga­nic is best, but it’s okay to use aloe lea­ves that are­n’t organic.

Aloe water works best on an emp­ty sto­mach, but you can still drink it at any time of the day.

It is best fresh. You can store the lea­ves in the ref­ri­ge­ra­tor and cut off a pie­ce of the aloe if you want to make aloe water.

No, room tem­pe­ra­tu­re water is fine.

If you drink cele­ry juice on an emp­ty sto­mach in the mor­ning, you can drink the aloe water after­wards. Wait at least 15–30 minu­tes after con­sum­ing cele­ry juice.

Yes, it is safe for mother and child.

alter­na­ti­ve to fresh aloe vera This aloe juice is recommended:

Pure Aloe Juice from Lakewood

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Celery juice male

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