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Spicy pasta salad “Mayo style”

Deli­cious rice nood­les make this savo­ry pas­ta salad an irre­sis­ti­ble tre­at, making it the per­fect salad for a sum­mer par­ty. The pick­le sub­sti­tu­te made in-house is also clever. 

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Ingre­di­ents for 10 – 12 servings:

Mari­na­ted cucumbers: 

Mari­na­de for the salad: 



First make the cucum­ber mari­na­de from lemon juice, map­le syrup and salt. Put ever­y­thing tog­e­ther in a lar­ge bowl and mix well. Hal­ve the cucum­bers, scra­pe out the insi­de, cut the hal­ves into thirds or quar­ters leng­thwi­se again and then dice. Place the cucum­ber cubes in the mari­na­de and let them steep for at least 1 hour.

The cas­hew nuts should also be soa­ked in water for a few hours (ide­al­ly over­night). Then rin­se well again and allow to drain. 

Cook the pas­ta in sal­ted water accor­ding to the packa­ge ins­truc­tions (if pos­si­ble until just befo­re the end of the coo­king time) and sie­ve it while it is still al den­te. Rin­se imme­dia­te­ly with cold water and drain well.

For the salad mari­na­de, put all the ingre­di­ents in a blen­der. Peel the gar­lic and oni­ons before­hand and chop them rough­ly. Mix ever­y­thing tog­e­ther at the hig­hest level for 60 seconds. 

Remo­ve the seeds from the pep­pers and dice them rough­ly the size of the cucum­ber pieces.

Place the coo­led pas­ta, the salad mari­na­de and the pick­led cucum­ber pie­ces along with the liquid in a lar­ge bowl and mix. Sea­son again with kala namak and sumac. 

By omit­ting cas­hew nuts and cas­hew milk, the salad can also be pre­pared fat-free. Of cour­se, the typi­cal “mayo-style” tas­te is lost.

Noti­ce: This salad was ori­gi­nal­ly made with Sim­ply almond cream. Howe­ver, the manu­fac­tu­rer has now chan­ged the reci­pe so that this cream is no lon­ger com­pli­ant. The ori­gi­nal reci­pe can still be seen in the video. Gün­ther Karl has now modi­fied the reci­pe with cas­hew nuts and cas­hew milk. 

More such fan­ta­stic recipes are in Gün­ther Karl’s cook­books to find:

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