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New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Compliant vacation in Bavaria

A com­pli­ant holi­day in Zwie­sel in the Bava­ri­an Forest can be so rela­xing and reju­ve­na­ting. A short expe­ri­ence report for all tho­se who are still loo­king for sui­ta­ble accom­mo­da­ti­on for relaxation. 
Apartment for Anthony William compliant holidays

Today I would like to share with you a few impres­si­ons from my won­derful short vaca­ti­on in the Bava­ri­an Forest in a com­pli­ant holi­day apartment.

Compliant cooking course

I recent­ly took part in a com­pli­ant coo­king cour­se with a coo­king-loving fri­end and this cour­se took place in the kit­chen of the holi­day apart­ment we had boo­ked. Gün­ther Karl, the aut­hor of the cook­book Tra­di­tio­nal dis­hes coo­ked in con­for­mi­ty, was our chef and for 5 hours we chop­ped, baked, sizz­led and dined. In total we were only 3 par­ti­ci­pan­ts and that was very plea­sant. The who­le cour­se was a culina­ry dream and my fami­ly will bene­fit great­ly from it. We were abso­lut­e­ly thril­led with how deli­cious the dis­hes all tas­ted. Gün­ther Karl is a very inspi­ring hob­by chef and we all had a lot of fun.

Compliant holiday apartments

Our holi­day apart­ment was beau­tiful­ly, cozy and func­tion­al at the same time and is per­fect for peo­p­le on their heal­ing jour­ney. All apart­ments are fur­nis­hed with beau­tiful, tas­teful natu­ral wood fur­ni­tu­re and natu­ral slee­ping com­fort mat­tres­ses. The kit­chen is ful­ly equip­ped and makes pre­pa­ring com­pli­ant food easy. The­re are 5 of the­se holi­day apart­ments available for the pri­ce-con­scious holi­day­maker. Ano­ther beau­tiful luxu­ry vari­ant attracts tho­se with high demands. You can book a jui­cer and blen­der for dai­ly use in all apart­ments for an addi­tio­nal char­ge, and fresh orga­nic cele­ry, fro­zen wild blueber­ries and fresh cori­an­der can also be orde­red at cost pri­ce for guests upon request. 

This ser­vice makes it much easier to car­ry out your usu­al rou­ti­ne when you are abroad Mor­ning rou­ti­ne to con­ti­nue in a rela­xed man­ner even on holi­day. When we arri­ved we found the wild blueber­ries in the free­zer, per­fect­ly organized! 

The pos­si­bi­li­ty of taking a sau­na in the in-house sau­na is available in all holi­day apart­ments, but for us the­re was no need for this holi­day becau­se we auto­ma­ti­cal­ly star­ted swea­ting in the high sum­mer temperatures. 

The area the­re is beau­tiful and not only attrac­ti­ve for sum­mer holi­days. All in all, it was a won­derful, rela­xed and at the same time sti­mu­la­ting litt­le vaca­ti­on that my girl­fri­end and I will have fond memo­ries of for a long time. 

2 % voucher for the magical holiday apartments

The holi­day apart­ments are owned by a very fri­end­ly cou­ple who also eat a com­pli­ant diet. It is important to both of them to give guests the oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­ti­nue their life­style wit­hout any pro­blems with this won­derful offer, even on vacation.

For our inte­res­ted rea­ders they are offe­ring a small dis­count of 2 % on over­night stays. Take a look and see if this could be a vaca­ti­on opti­on for you.

That’s how it’s done: When boo­king the word SELLERIESAFT in the text field or by tele­pho­ne. Complete.

About the holi­day apartments: 

Haus Far­ben­klang and Cha­let Zauberberg

(The mini­mum dura­ti­on for a boo­king is 6 days. The vou­ch­er is valid for the accom­mo­da­ti­on, not for the addi­tio­nal packa­ge with jui­cer etc.)

If you ever go on holi­day the­re, I hope you have as won­derful a stay as we had!

With my heart Astrid

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Wild blueber­ries

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Vimer­gy supplements

The recom­men­ded sup­ple­ments are available here:

Book recom­men­da­ti­ons
Kasi­mir + Lieselotte

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