
Stuffed pepper wedges

Fin­ger food pre­pared very sim­ply, spi­cy and fat-free. Pep­pers are rich in vit­amin C and streng­then the immu­ne sys­tem, while pota­toes are a good source of lys­i­ne and are an anti-patho­ge­nic food. 
Stuffed pepper wedges
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Pre­heat the oven to 180 degrees. Line a bak­ing tray with bak­ing paper.

Heat a medi­um non­stick cera­mic skil­let over medi­um-high heat and add the oni­on. Cook until ten­der, 3 to 5 minu­tes, adding a litt­le water if neces­sa­ry to pre­vent sticking.

Gra­te the pota­toes and squeeze out the excess liquid through a cloth. Add pota­toes, gar­lic pow­der, papri­ka, red pep­per flakes or cayenne pep­per, and ore­ga­no or thy­me to the pan. Cook for 2–3 minu­tes to remo­ve any addi­tio­nal mois­tu­re. Let cool until pota­toes are cool enough to handle.

Press the pota­to mix­tu­re firm­ly onto the pep­per pie­ces and place on the bak­ing sheet. Bake for 25–30 minu­tes until the top is brow­ned. Ser­ve immediately.

Bon appe­tit!


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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