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Jalapeño potato poppers

Whe­ther as an appe­ti­zer in a cheerful group or as a small snack in bet­ween, the­se fat-free pota­to pop­pers delight on many occa­si­ons. Pota­toes are high in pot­as­si­um and vit­amin B6 and are an excel­lent source of ami­no acids, espe­ci­al­ly lysine. 

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Pre­heat the oven to 180 degrees. Line a lar­ge bak­ing sheet with parch­ment paper. Steam the pota­toes in a steam­er for 15–20 minu­tes until ten­der. Remo­ve and set asi­de for 10 minu­tes until cool.

Place the pota­toes in a medi­um mixing bowl along with the jala­pe­ños or chip­ot­le pow­der, gar­lic pow­der, oni­on pow­der, and sea salt (if using). Press through a pota­to press or mash with a pota­to mas­her until smooth.

Use a tab­les­poon to scoop out the dough and form into balls. Roll in the papri­ka pow­der and place on the bak­ing tray. Con­ti­nue in the same way with the remai­ning dough.

Bake for 15–20 minu­tes until set. Remo­ve from oven and ser­ve immediately.


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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