Astrid Späth 1

Astrid Späth


My name is Astrid Späth, I am 56 years old and live with my fami­ly in Lohr am Main, Lower Fran­co­nia. I am a pas­sio­na­te orga­nic gar­de­ner and for many years we have pla­ced gre­at value on the most natu­ral food pos­si­ble in our fami­ly. I beca­me awa­re of Antho­ny Wil­liam at the begin­ning of 2019, and our lives have chan­ged a lot sin­ce then. My pre­vious health pro­blems are a thing of the past and my body and its nut­ri­tio­nal needs are final­ly under­stan­da­ble and fami­li­ar to me. It is very important to me to pass on my prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence to all tho­se new to nut­ri­ti­on accor­ding to Antho­ny William. 


make an appointment

If you would like advice, then fill out the cont­act form and enter your desi­red date and time and send me your desi­red appointment. 

Pri­ce: 40 € / hour