
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Gluten free waffles

The­se waf­f­les made from glu­ten-free oat flour are a deli­cious and temp­tingly fra­grant addi­ti­on to your diet. Enjoy them plain or with deli­cious applesauce. 



Put the flour in a bowl and add bak­ing pow­der, salt, cin­na­mon and ground chia seeds and mix ever­y­thing well. Next, add a cup of coco­nut milk, the map­le syrup and the liquid coco­nut oil and mix well. Slow­ly stir in the remai­ning coco­nut milk until smooth. (The­re may be milk left over).

Let the mix­tu­re rest for at least 5 minu­tes so that the chia seeds can form a gel and the mix­tu­re beco­mes a litt­le thi­c­ker as it swells. If the dough has beco­me too thick, you can now add the remai­ning milk. The ide­al con­sis­ten­cy is slight­ly thi­c­ker than pan­ca­ke batter.

Now bake the waf­f­les in a waff­le iron. The amount is enough for 5 waf­f­les. Map­le syrup tas­tes very good with it app­le­sauce.

Bon appe­tit! 

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Celery juice male

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Vimer­gy supplements

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Kasi­mir + Lieselotte

Save 5 % on com­pli­ant pro­ducts like Dul­se or orga­nic gly­ce­rin with a vou­ch­er: SELLERIESAFT
