
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Extractor smoothie

The Extra­c­tor Smoothie helps eli­mi­na­te various types of che­mi­cal toxi­ci­ty and also cle­ars the way for toxic hea­vy metals to lea­ve the body faster. 

Ingredients for one serving of Extractor Smoothie:


Mix the ingre­di­ents into a homo­ge­neous mass. Add up to 250ml of bot­t­led water, coco­nut water, fresh apple juice or 100% orga­nic, addi­ti­ve-free apple juice if a thin­ner con­sis­ten­cy is desired.

To good health! 


  • If pos­si­ble, choo­se app­les with red skin as they con­tain the most nutrients.
  • Man­go is the first choice for this smoothie. If you can’t get fresh or fro­zen man­go, bana­na is a good substitute.
  • You can use any radish you like, inclu­ding red, black, and pur­ple radis­hes. Howe­ver, avo­id using dai­kon radish.
  • If you use coco­nut water for this smoothie, make sure the coco­nut water does not con­tain any natu­ral fla­vors and is not pink or red.
  • If you use pas­teu­ri­zed bot­t­led apple juice, make sure it is 100 per­cent orga­nic apple juice and does not con­tain any other addi­ti­ves such as sugar, citric acid, or preservatives.
  • If you have dif­fi­cul­ty with the mus­tard seed tas­te, you can redu­ce the amount of mus­tard by half, i.e. H. to 1/2 teas­poon, or even less if you pre­fer, with the aim of working your way back up to the recom­men­ded dose of 1 teas­poon over time.
  • If you have dif­fi­cul­ty with the pars­ley fla­vor, you can hal­ve the amount of pars­ley to ½ cup, with the goal of incre­asing back to the recom­men­ded dosa­ge of 1 cup over time.
  • If you are in a part of the world whe­re you do not have access to fresh or fro­zen wild blueber­ries, blueber­ry juice, or blueber­ry pow­der, you can also use black­ber­ries. Alt­hough black­ber­ries are a high­ly anti­oxi­dant alter­na­ti­ve, they do not have the same effects as wild blueber­ries, which pro­tect cells from metals, che­mi­cals, radia­ti­on and other toxins.
  • If you can’t get app­les, you can also use ripe pears in this reci­pe. If you don’t have access to app­les or pears, you can use oran­ges. If you can’t find oran­ges, use papa­yas. If you can’t get papa­yas, use bana­nas. And if you can’t get bana­nas, you can use man­goes ins­tead of app­les or pears.
  • In the “Hea­vy Metal Deto­xes” chap­ter in Heal Your Brain and Heal Your Brain, The Prac­ti­cal Pro­gram, you will find advice on how to incor­po­ra­te the extra­c­tor into your day and balan­ce it with the Hea­vy metal detox smoothie can be tun­ed to achie­ve opti­mal results.


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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