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Turmeric-ginger shot

At the first sign of a cold, this turm­e­ric gin­ger shot is a good choice becau­se it helps your body defend its­elf against any­thing that comes its way. It has an anti­bio­tic and anti-inflamm­a­to­ry effect. 

turm­e­ric con­ta­ins the phy­to­che­mi­cal cur­cu­min, which is known for its anti-inflamm­a­to­ry pro­per­ties. Turm­e­ric is gre­at for any­thing in the body that is infla­med and caus­ing pain, from the ner­ves to the joints to the brain. Turm­e­ric is the ulti­ma­te anti­do­te. The powerful acti­ve ingre­di­ents and com­pounds con­tai­ned in turm­e­ric simul­ta­neous­ly have an anti-inflamm­a­to­ry effect and pro­mo­te blood flow to the are­as of the body that need bet­ter blood cir­cu­la­ti­on. For this reason, turm­e­ric is an ide­al spi­ce for peo­p­le who suf­fer from chro­nic hist­ami­ne reac­tions or toxic blood due to a slug­gish liver or poor circulation.

Gar­lic has a sur­pri­sin­gly high con­tent of mine­rals and vit­amins, inclu­ding vit­amins C and B‑6, as well as mine­rals such as cal­ci­um, sele­ni­um, iron and cop­per. Gar­lic also con­ta­ins very powerful anti­bio­tic, anti-fun­gal, anti-can­cer and anti­vi­ral pro­per­ties. One raw, crus­hed gar­lic clove con­ta­ins the anti­bio­tic equi­va­lent of 100,000 units of penicillin.

Gin­ger is very sui­ta­ble for pro­mo­ting diges­ti­on and assi­mi­la­ti­on. The anti-inflamm­a­to­ry com­pounds con­tai­ned in gin­ger, cal­led gin­ge­rols, are also a powerful pain­kil­ler, making it par­ti­cu­lar­ly inte­res­t­ing for tho­se who suf­fer from joint, mus­cle and ner­ve pain. Gin­ger has excel­lent immu­ne-boos­ting and germ-fight­ing abilities.

In the Oran­ges Rich alka­li­ne salts and lime ensu­re that the body coun­ter­acts and pre­vents hypera­ci­di­fi­ca­ti­on. They are also par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for the diges­ti­ve tract and help remo­ve toxic depo­sits from the colon through increased peris­tal­sis. Oran­ges act like an inter­nal anti­sep­tic on the body and are able to cle­an­se and streng­then all organs in the body.

Ingre­di­ents for 2–4 shots:

  • 10 cm fresh turmeric
  • 10 cm fresh ginger
  • 2 oran­ges
  • 4 cloves of garlic

You can drink it howe­ver you like. 

If you want, you can drink it daily.

For best results, it is best to drink it imme­dia­te­ly after preparation.

No, con­tra­ry to popu­lar belief, black pep­per is not necessary.

The the­ra­peu­tic effects are num­e­rous, but still not the same. If you’­re blen­ding it, use a fine-mesh sie­ve, cheesecloth, or nut milk bag and strain it.

Depen­ding on your bud­get, the Ome­ga jui­cer is ide­al, but any jui­cer will do.

Orga­nic ingre­di­ents would be ide­al, but you can also use con­ven­tio­nal ones. 

No, the­re is no need to peel them. You can do this howe­ver you want. If you don’t peel them, you should wash them well. 

Yes, you can lea­ve out the gar­lic. It is still very useful, but no lon­ger has the same heal­ing properties. 

Yes, you can also add apple juice. It does­n’t tas­te as good any­mo­re, but it is still very healing.

On the con­tra­ry, it is very hel­pful in fight­ing colds, flu, strep throat, pneu­mo­nia-caus­ing bac­te­ria and virus-rela­ted cancers.


Pho­tos: Maara Urb

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