
Propolis shock

The pro­po­lis shock appli­ca­ti­on helps sup­port the body. 
Jar with propolis shock application
Click on the image to watch the video.

Instructions for propolis shock application 

  • Adult take 4 pipet­tes every three hours after waking up alco­hol-free pro­po­lis tinc­tu­re in at least 30 ml of water or juice.
  • You can do this for three to five days and then switch to the dosa­ge in an indi­vi­du­al nut­ri­tio­nal sup­ple­ment list.
  • You are wel­co­me to con­ti­nue using the pro­po­lis shock the­ra­py. Eit­her you take a week’s break and then start again, or you can car­ry out the pro­po­lis shock the­ra­py seve­ral times in a row if you like. If pro­po­lis is not on your list of sup­ple­ments, you can take 2 drops of pro­po­lis tinc­tu­re dai­ly bet­ween each round of pro­po­lis shock therapy.

*Even pro­po­lis tinc­tu­re that is labe­led alco­hol-free may con­tain traces of various forms of alco­hol. The­r­e­fo­re, use pro­po­lis tinc­tu­re with the least amount of alco­hol you can find.

Quan­ti­ties for child­ren of alco­hol-free pro­po­lis tinc­tu­re for this sup­ple­ment application:

  • Ages 1 to 2: 8 tiny drops (not pipet­tes) in juice or water every three waking hours
  • Ages 3 to 4: 16 tiny drops (not pipet­tes) in juice or water every three waking hours
  • Ages 5 to 8: 1 drop­per in juice or water every three waking hours
  • 9 to 12 years: 2 pipet­tes in juice or water every three waking hours
  • 13 years and older: 3 pipet­tes in juice or water every three waking hours

Instructions for using propolis shock on mouth wounds 

  • If the wound is in an area that is mois­ten­ed with sali­va (e.g. ton­gue, inner lip, cor­ner of mouth, gum line) and you can reach it, first quick­ly dry the area with a tis­sue.
    As soon as the wound has dried or if it is out­side the mouth and the­r­e­fo­re alre­a­dy dry, drip a few drops Pro­po­lis tinc­tu­re direct­ly to the wound. Lea­ve on for 30 seconds to a minute.
  • If the wound is in an area whe­re you had to dry it first, then repeat this tech­ni­que imme­dia­te­ly: quick­ly absorb the sali­va with a tis­sue, then add a few drops of pro­po­lis tinc­tu­re direct­ly to the wound and the pro­po­lis for ano­ther 30 seconds to one Allow to take effect for a minu­te. Then dry again and app­ly again, a total of three times in a row. Do not dry after the third appli­ca­ti­on. You can now relax your mouth and lea­ve the pro­po­lis on the wound.
  • If the wound was dry from the start, you do not need to repeat the appli­ca­ti­on of pro­po­lis, the­re is only one appli­ca­ti­on. As soon as you do the Pro­po­lis drops appli­ed to the wound, you can lea­ve the pro­po­lis on the wound. (If neces­sa­ry, you can wipe off the pro­po­lis after 30 seconds to a minute).
  • It’s best to use this tech­ni­que four to six times a day until the pro­blem goes away.
  • To achie­ve fas­ter heal­ing, you should use the mouth sores pro­po­lis shock appli­ca­ti­on as a last tech­ni­que befo­re going to bed. 

Note: The quan­ti­ties given are the recom­men­da­ti­ons of our favo­ri­te aut­hor. We our­sel­ves can­not give any recom­men­da­ti­ons here, as in Ger­ma­ny this is only reser­ved for doc­tors and alter­na­ti­ve practitioners. 


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