
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Goldenseal shock

The Gol­den­se­al shock appli­ca­ti­on is recom­men­ded for streng­thening the body. 
Glass with Goldenseal shock application

Instructions for Goldenseal shock application 

  • Adults take 6 pipet­tes every four hours after waking up alco­hol-free gol­den­se­al tinc­tu­re in at least 30 ml of water or juice (or direct­ly into the mouth, optio­nal­ly with a juice or water additive).
  • You can do this for three to five days, then switch to dosing on an indi­vi­du­al sup­ple­ment list.
  • As with all other shock appli­ca­ti­ons, the amount can be redu­ced to a dosa­ge that is com­for­ta­ble for you if you are sensitive.
  • If you are still not fee­ling bet­ter after a bout of ill­ness, infec­tion or sym­ptoms a week or more after com­ple­ting a round of Gol­den­se­al Shock appli­ca­ti­on, then you are wel­co­me to con­ti­nue using Gol­den­se­al Shock appli­ca­ti­on for ano­ther three to five days. Howe­ver, the­re should be at least a week bet­ween each round of this therapy. 

Instructions for Goldenseal Shock use in children 

  • Ages 1 to 2: 10 tiny drops (not pipet­tes) in juice or water every four waking hours
  • Ages 3 to 4: 20 tiny drops (not pipet­tes) in juice or water every four waking hours
  • Ages 5 to 8: 1 drop­per in juice or water every four waking hours
  • 9 to 12 years: 2 pipet­tes in juice or water every four waking hours
  • 13 years and older: 3 pipet­tes in juice or water every four waking hours


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