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New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Black bean chili

A hear­ty, very fil­ling black bean chi­li, which can also be pre­pared in dou­ble quan­ti­ties becau­se it tas­tes at least as good the next day. It can easi­ly be eaten as a fat-free ver­si­on by omit­ting the avocado. 

Ingre­di­ents for 4–6 ser­vings of black bean chili: 


If using dried beans, soak them over­night. The next mor­ning, rin­se and bring to the boil in a pot with fresh water. As soon as the water boils, turn the tem­pe­ra­tu­re down a litt­le, but they should still sim­mer. Sim­mer the beans until soft for about 2 hours and then drain and set asi­de briefly.

If you use fresh toma­toes for this chi­li, the toma­toes must first be skin­ned. This works very well if the toma­toes are pla­ced in a pot of boi­ling water and left the­re for 2 minu­tes. Then place brief­ly in ice water and pour off the water a litt­le later. The skin can now be easi­ly remo­ved. Peel off the toma­to peels, then cut the toma­toes in half and remo­ve the core. Place the diced toma­toes in a pot and bring to the boil. Now redu­ce the heat, but let them sim­mer and cook for 10 minu­tes, stir­ring, until they are soft. Put aside.

In a lar­ge pot, sau­té the oni­ons over medi­um heat for about 4–5 minu­tes until trans­lu­cent. If neces­sa­ry, add a litt­le water to pre­vent bur­ning. Now add the gar­lic and pump­kin and fry both while stir­ring. Roast for 8–10 minu­tes until the pump­kin beg­ins to soften. 

Next, add chi­li pow­der, dried ore­ga­no, ground cumin, ground cori­an­der, smo­ked papri­ka, and cayenne pep­per (if using). Stir until the spi­ces are fra­grant, about 1–2 minutes.

Final­ly add beans, diced toma­toes, toma­to pas­te and water to the chi­li. Cook, stir­ring occa­sio­nal­ly, until the pump­kin is com­ple­te­ly soft, about 30–35 minu­tes. If neces­sa­ry, add a litt­le more water until the desi­red con­sis­ten­cy is rea­ched. Sea­son with salt.

To ser­ve, gar­nish with fresh cil­an­tro, spring oni­ons, avo­ca­do sli­ces and a lime wedge.

It tas­tes gre­at on its own, but can also be eaten with mil­let, qui­noa, brown rice or pota­to tortillas. 

Bon appe­tit!


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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