
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Chickpea noodle soup

This deli­cious nood­le soup is quick to make and just right for cool days. The car­rots con­tai­ned in it help lower blood pres­su­re, redu­ce ede­ma, relax mus­cles, calm ner­ves and balan­ce cogni­ti­ve functions. 

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Ingre­di­ents for 2–3 ser­vings:


Place a lar­ge non­stick pot (pre­fer­a­b­ly a cera­mic pot) over medi­um-high heat. Add oni­on, car­rot and cele­ry and cook until oni­on is soft, 5–7 minu­tes. Add a litt­le water if the vege­ta­bles stick to the pot.

Add water or vege­ta­ble broth, oni­on pow­der, gar­lic pow­der, turm­e­ric, dried pars­ley, dried ore­ga­no, chick­peas and pas­ta. Bring the soup to a boil and sim­mer for 13–18 minu­tes, until the nood­les and vege­ta­bles are ten­der. Stir in the chop­ped pars­ley and sea­son with sea salt (if using).

Bon appe­tit!


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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Celery juice male

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Wild blueber­ries

Save 5 % on wild blueber­ries from Cana­da with cou­pon code: SELLERIESAFT

Vimer­gy supplements

The recom­men­ded sup­ple­ments are available here:

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Kasi­mir + Lieselotte

Save 5 % on com­pli­ant pro­ducts like Dul­se or orga­nic gly­ce­rin with a vou­ch­er: SELLERIESAFT
