
Migraine buster juice

This juice can pro­vi­de reli­ef from migrai­nes. It con­sists of cele­ry, pear, gin­ger and rocket and can be drunk regu­lar­ly as a pre­ven­ti­ve mea­su­re or when a migrai­ne attack is about to occur. 
Glass of migraine buster juice
Click on the image to watch the video.


  • 1 bunch of celery
  • 1 pear
  • 2.5–5 cm ginger
  • 100–150 g arugula 


Juice and strain all ingredients. 

The juice can eit­her be drunk regu­lar­ly as a pre­ven­ti­ve mea­su­re in the mor­ning on an emp­ty sto­mach (e.g. 20–30 minu­tes apart from cele­ry juice) or when a migrai­ne attack is about to occur. 

To good health! 

Source: our favo­ri­te aut­hor, from an old newsletter

Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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