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Spicy potatoes with cucumber in tomato-mustard sauce

If you’­re in a hur­ry, then this spi­cy pota­to spe­cial­ty is a good choice. Spi­cy and with a frui­ty-spi­cy note, the dish is also inex­pen­si­ve and par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for sum­mer, when toma­toes and cucum­bers are in peak season. 

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Ingre­di­ents for 3 – 4 servings: 

  • 1.3 kg pota­toes, waxy
  • 2 pie­ces of lar­ge vege­ta­ble onions
  • 1 pie­ce of mild fresh chi­li pepper
  • 2 gar­den cucumbers
  • 6 – 8 beef­steak toma­toes (depen­ding on size)
  • 4 lar­ge cloves of garlic
  • 6 tbsp dou­ble toma­to paste
  • 5 tbsp con­for­mal mus­tard (Here is a reci­pe to make your own)
  • 400ml Vege­ta­ble broth
  • 3 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 2 Tea spoons pep­per from the mill
  • 1 tbsp fresh oregano
  • 1 tbsp fresh basil
  • 1 teas­poon fresh thyme
  • as nee­ded Chi­li flakes


Peel the pota­toes, hal­ve them and cut them into even­ly sized cubes. Place in a steam­er and cook in steam for about 15 minu­tes. Remo­ve from heat while still al den­te and let cool wit­hout lid.

Chop the oni­on into cubes and cut the chi­li pep­per into small pie­ces. Peel the cucum­bers, remo­ving the soft insi­de if neces­sa­ry. Hal­ve the toma­toes and remo­ve the green stalk. Cut cucum­bers and toma­to hal­ves into even, lar­ger cubes. Peel gar­lic and chop fine­ly. Sprink­le a pinch of anci­ent salt on top and crush again with the flat side of the kni­fe so that the juice comes out easily. 

Fry the oni­ons wit­hout fat in a lar­ge pot until they are trans­lu­cent. Then add the chi­li pie­ces and fry brief­ly. Add the cucum­ber pie­ces and diced toma­toes and sim­mer brief­ly. Then add the gar­lic and sim­mer the sau­ce for 3 minu­tes. Pour in the vege­ta­ble stock, add the toma­to pas­te and the mus­tard, mix ever­y­thing well and bring to the boil again until the sau­ce is slight­ly creamy. 

Now add salt, pep­per and the fresh­ly chop­ped herbs. Final­ly, mix in the pota­to pie­ces and only warm them brief­ly so that they don’t overcook.

To ser­ve, gar­nish with some chi­li flakes if desired. 

Bon appe­tit!

More such fan­ta­stic recipes are in Gün­ther Karl’s cook­books to find:

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