
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Potato focaccia

The dough for this flat­bread con­sists pri­ma­ri­ly of stea­m­ed pota­toes, cas­sa­va flour and pota­to starch, spi­ced up with spi­ces and rose­ma­ry. Easy to make, it goes very well with soups, salads or even with a deli­cious dip. 

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Ingre­di­ents for 2 to 3 servings: 


Cook the pota­to cubes in a pot with a steam­er for about 20 minu­tes until soft. Place in a bowl and add the spi­ces. Mash the mix­tu­re until smooth with a mas­her and let it cool for 10 minutes. 

Pre­heat the oven to 200°C.

Mix the dough with cas­sa­va flour and pota­to starch and knead into a soft dough. If neces­sa­ry, add a litt­le more pota­to starch to pre­vent the dough from sticking. 

On a bak­ing tray lined with bak­ing paper, roll out the dough into a flat­bread about 1 cm thick, making sure that it does­n’t get too thick in the midd­le. Spread the rose­ma­ry over the dough and press it down light­ly. (Ins­tead of rose­ma­ry, you can also use other herbs such as sage, pars­ley, ore­ga­no or thyme.) 

Bake in the oven for about 25 to 30 minu­tes, until the bread is light­ly brow­ned. Allow to cool for 15 minu­tes befo­re slicing. 

Note from Astrid: The recipes from Heal Your Brain are most­ly salt-free, which takes some get­ting used to at first. Some recipes also have the fol­lo­wing addi­ti­on as a tip: High-qua­li­ty sea or rock salt are an opti­on in this reci­pe, but wit­hout salt it is more heal­ing. Over time, you may find that you want to redu­ce or eli­mi­na­te the salt. 

Bon appe­tit!

The­se dips and dres­sing com­bi­ne well with the flatbread: 

Tzat­zi­ki & Dips, Fries with 3 dips, French dres­sing

Source: Heal your brain, The prac­ti­cal program 

Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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