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Pancakes with spring onions

Stea­m­ed pota­toes are the basis for the savo­ry pan­ca­kes and cas­sa­va flour is the glu­ten-free bin­ding agent. The spi­cy flat­breads are com­ple­men­ted by a par­ti­cu­lar­ly deli­cious dip based on map­le syrup and lemon juice, which gets its fiery spi­ci­ness from chi­li and gar­lic powder. 

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Ingre­di­ents for 2 to 3 servings: 

For the pancakes: 

For the dip: 


Steam the pota­toes in a pot with a steam­er insert for 20 to 25 minu­tes until soft. Then trans­fer it to a bowl and use the pota­to mas­her to form a smooth dough. Add the cas­sa­va flour and knead into a soft dough. If it sticks too much, add a litt­le more cas­sa­va flour. 

Add the spring oni­ons, salt (if using) and five-spi­ce pow­der (optio­nal) to the mix­tu­re and knead well until even­ly distributed. 

Divi­de the dough into thirds and shape into 3 round dum­plings. Roll each dum­pling bet­ween 2 pie­ces of bak­ing paper into cir­cles using a rol­ling pin. If cracks appear, press them tog­e­ther with your fin­gers. Fry the pan­ca­kes one at a time in a non-stick cera­mic pan over high heat on both sides (approx. 4 to 6 minu­tes) until nice­ly browned. 

For the dip, mix all the ingre­di­ents together. 

Cut the pan­ca­kes into cake pie­ces and ser­ve imme­dia­te­ly with the dip and spring rolls. 

Bon appe­tit!

Source: Heal your brain, The prac­ti­cal program

Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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