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Fig cookies

The­se fig coo­kies tas­te ama­zing and pro­vi­de gre­at sup­port for a healt­hy body. The pot­as­si­um and sodium con­tai­ned in figs sup­port neu­ro­trans­mit­ters, syn­ap­ses and neu­rons in the brain. In addi­ti­on, the phy­to­che­mi­cals con­tai­ned in figs help the immu­ne sys­tem in the intesti­nes to func­tion well. 

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For the filling: 

For the dough: 


In a small sau­ce­pan, com­bi­ne the dried figs, coco­nut sugar, app­le­sauce, water and lemon juice. Bring to a boil, then redu­ce the heat and sim­mer until the figs are soft and the liquid has redu­ced, about 15 to 20 minu­tes. Trans­fer the mix­tu­re to a blen­der or food pro­ces­sor and pul­se a few times until it forms a smooth, thick pas­te. Put aside.

To make the coo­kie dough, mix the ground lin­seed, app­le­sauce, coco­nut blos­som sugar, vanil­la and coco­nut oil in a bowl. Whisk until a uni­form dough forms. In ano­ther bowl, mix tog­e­ther the oat flour, brown rice flour, tapio­ca flour and bak­ing pow­der. Add the wet ingre­di­ents to the dry and stir until a smooth, soft dough forms. Place in the ref­ri­ge­ra­tor for 30 minutes.

Pre­heat the oven to 180ºC. Line a bak­ing tray with bak­ing paper.

Roll out the chil­led coo­kie dough bet­ween 2 lay­ers of bak­ing paper to about 0.5 cm thick. Cut off the excess edges to crea­te a clean rec­tang­le. Cut the rec­tang­le in half wid­thwi­se. Spread a lay­er of fil­ling appro­xi­m­ate­ly 1 cm wide along the length clo­ser to one edge. Using the bak­ing paper, careful­ly roll the dough into a roll. The seam should be on the bot­tom. Cut coo­kies out of the roll. 

Repeat the same pro­cess with the other half of the dough. Do the same with any lef­to­vers. Place the coo­kies in the pre­pared bak­ing pan and bake until light­ly brow­ned, 12 to 13 minu­tes. First let cool slight­ly on the bak­ing tray, then trans­fer to a wire rack and let cool com­ple­te­ly. It is best stored in an air­tight con­tai­ner at room temperature.

Bon appe­tit!


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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