
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Creme caramel

A dream of a des­sert! Becau­se it con­ta­ins a rela­tively high amount of fat, it should be reser­ved for spe­cial occa­si­ons. It is per­fect as the cul­mi­na­ti­on of cele­bra­ti­ons with fami­ly or fri­ends. You sim­ply have to tas­te it! 

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Ingre­di­ents for 4 servings: 




Light­ly grease 4 des­sert bowls or cas­se­ro­le dis­hes with a litt­le coco­nut oil (this is optio­nal, but it makes it easier to remo­ve the crè­me cara­mel). Set asi­de first. 

To make the cara­mel, mix map­le syrup and coco­nut blos­som sugar in a small sau­ce­pan until the sugar has dis­sol­ved and a dark cara­mel is for­med. Divi­de bet­ween the des­sert or cas­se­ro­le dishes.

Place coco­nut milk, uns­weeten­ed almond milk, map­le syrup, vanil­la, sea salt (if using), pota­to starch and agar-agar in a small sau­ce­pan and stir to combine.

Place the pot over medi­um-high heat and cook, stir­ring fre­quent­ly, until the mix­tu­re is thick and sim­me­ring. Remo­ve from heat and allow to cool for 5 minu­tes, then pour into rame­kins. Tap the molds on the coun­ter to remo­ve any air bubbles.

Place in the ref­ri­ge­ra­tor for at least 5 to 6 hours, pre­fer­a­b­ly overnight.

Careful­ly turn out onto ser­ving plates.

Bon appe­tit!


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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