
Chickpea dumpling soup

Atten­ti­on soup and dum­pling lovers! The tasty chick­pea dum­pling soup is a healt­hy alter­na­ti­ve to the clas­sic dum­pling soup, deli­cious and packed with vita­li­zing nutrients. 
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Place a lar­ge non­stick cera­mic pot over medi­um-high heat. Add oni­on, car­rot and cele­ry and cook for 5 to 7 minu­tes, until oni­on is sof­ten­ed. Add a litt­le water if ingre­di­ents start to stick to the pot.

Add the medi­cinal broth or water, oni­on pow­der, gar­lic pow­der, turm­e­ric pow­der, and dried ore­ga­no; add sea salt if nee­ded. Bring the soup base to a sim­mer and cook for 13 to 18 minutes.

While the soup is sim­me­ring, prepa­re the dum­pling dough. Whisk all ingre­di­ents tog­e­ther, gra­du­al­ly adding the water, until a thick dough forms. Form the dough into small balls (they will absorb water in the soup and thi­c­ken). After the soup base has coo­ked for 13 to 18 minu­tes, careful­ly drop dum­pling balls into the soup. Cook for ano­ther 8 to 12 minu­tes, until a tooth­pick inser­ted into the cen­ter of a dum­pling comes out clean.

Pour the soup into bowls, sprink­le with fresh pars­ley and ser­ve. This soup is best eaten the day it is prepared.


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