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Humor on the healing path

Humor is an important part of the heal­ing jour­ney. Our sen­se of humor acts like a pro­tec­ti­ve shield for our soul and heart. Humor calms the cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem and cools the exces­si­ve heat of the brain. 

Humor is an inva­luable aid to heal­ing. It helps calm the mind, ligh­ten the heart and soo­t­he the body.
If we were laug­hed at or teased in the past, our sen­se of humor can be adver­se­ly affec­ted as we grow up. It is pos­si­ble to chan­ge our sen­se of humor and regain access to ligh­the­ar­ted humor. 

Humor protects the soul

Humor is the way we cushion and cushion the blows of life. Our sen­se of humor pro­tects our soul from being bro­ken or hurt. 

Of cour­se, it can hurt us if someone laughs at us and we don’t find it fun­ny. That’s true, espe­ci­al­ly if the inten­ti­on is not good. But if the inten­ti­on is good, then that’s fine. So if you are laug­hed at wit­hout any mali­cious intent behind it, then it is wort­hwhile to laugh at our­sel­ves for once. It would be worse if the grief and sor­row were to eat us up insi­de. The situa­ti­on is dif­fe­rent when someone makes unp­lea­sant jokes about us out of spite. 

Humor is a protective shield

Being laug­hed at can hurt, but we should­n’t lose humor becau­se of it. Humor brigh­tens and pro­tects the heart. 

Our pets are the per­fect tea­chers when humor is lack­ing in our lives. It is so important for heal­ing. Our dogs and cats make us laugh. The term “care­free” is ancho­red in them and that is exact­ly what we can learn from them. Keep a cheerful heart. Humor helps you let go of the soul dama­ge, the heart dama­ge and the nega­ti­ve infor­ma­ti­on that has been stored in your body for years and that you have been hol­ding on to. Ano­ther way to bring more humor into your life is to obser­ve peo­p­le who laugh a lot. Even if you don’t like their uni­que brand of humor, you can still get inspi­ra­ti­on from them. 

Humor promotes a lighthearted heart

We all suf­fer wounds and blows on our jour­ney through life. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, we hold on to all of the­se litt­le things. This bur­den grows lar­ger over time and a sen­se of humor and a light heart helps to let some of it fall. It helps to say the fol­lo­wing affir­ma­ti­ons out loud every day as support.

  • I will keep a light heart today
  • I’ll build on my humor
  • I will laugh free­ly today
  • I laugh slightly
  • I have a sen­se of humor
  • I smi­le often

Humor protects the central nervous system and the brain 

Ever­yo­ne knows the say­ing: Laug­hing is healt­hy! Why is that? 

Humor pro­tects our cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem by coo­ling the elec­tri­ci­ty in our bodies. It pre­vents our brains from bur­ning. This is becau­se we are con­stant­ly under pres­su­re and our brain over­heats. The heart beg­ins to pump more and blood pres­su­re beg­ins to rise. Humor pro­tects against all of this by cal­ming the cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem while coo­ling the brain’s engi­ne. This help is an important sup­port for the func­tion of the elec­tri­cal impul­ses. Humor is the cata­lyst for your healing. 

Keep a light heart!

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