
Cheddar broccoli soup

The cre­a­my con­sis­ten­cy of this soup is remi­nis­cent of mel­ted ched­dar cheese. In con­trast to the chee­sy ori­gi­nal, this is a tre­at that does not feed viru­s­es or pathogens. 
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Fill a pot with a steam­er with approx. 2 approx. water and add the pee­led and diced pota­toes. Now peel the car­rots, cut them into sli­ces and add them to the pota­toes. Steam the vege­ta­bles until soft, about 15 minutes.

Wash the broc­co­li and cut it into bite-sized pie­ces. Steam until soft in the steamer. 

Pour the vege­ta­ble mix­tu­re into a blen­der and add the spi­ces and lemon juice. With the heal­ing one Liver res­cue broth or fill with water and mix. Then bring to the boil again brief­ly and ser­ve with the stea­m­ed broccoli. 

Bon appe­tit!


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