
Are gluten-free grains healthy?

Is glu­ten-free grain a healt­hy food with heal­ing pro­per­ties? Peo­p­le react very dif­fer­ent­ly to cer­tain types of grain. But why is that so? And which types of grain are the healthiest? 
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Glu­ten-free grains do not feed patho­gens. So we don’t have to worry about mil­let, qui­noa, brown rice or oat­me­al fee­ding patho­gens like strep or EBV. But the­re are other reasons to fore­go them.

Gluten-free grains are not medicinal foods

Grains often take up a lot of space on our pla­tes (and the­r­e­fo­re in our sto­machs), which could be bet­ter used with more heal­ing foods. Espe­ci­al­ly when we want to eat a par­ti­cu­lar­ly healt­hy diet, we lose space for more nut­ri­ent-rich foods such as leafy vege­ta­bles and fruit. When we eat a bowl of grains in the mor­ning, we simul­ta­neous­ly fore­go a few bana­nas or two or three App­les.

While grains are also high­ly nut­ri­tious, they do not have the heal­ing phy­to­che­mi­cals, anti­oxi­dants and trace mine­rals of a ber­ry app­les or a bana­na. Fur­ther­mo­re, it does not have any anti­bac­te­ri­al or anti­vi­ral pro­per­ties. But the­se are incre­di­bly important for us to free our­sel­ves from chro­nic illnesses.

Unfavorable combination of gluten-free grains with fat

An even big­ger reason to avo­id grains is how they inter­act with fats. It is not com­mon for us to eat our grains wit­hout radi­cal fat. A toast (cere­als) with avo­ca­do (Fat) is an unfa­vorable com­bi­na­ti­on. Other examp­les include oat­me­al with pea­nut or almond but­ter, crun­chy mues­li with milk, pro­te­in bars, chi­cken sand­wi­ches or pas­ta with oil.

Even if we actual­ly avo­id radi­cal fats in a grain-con­tai­ning meal, it pro­ba­b­ly has­n’t been much time sin­ce the last fat­ty meal. For exam­p­le, if we had break­fast with yogurt or eggs, this will still be digested when we eat our qui­noa salad for lunch. The pro­blem this crea­tes is insu­lin resistance.

Long digestion time of gluten-free grains

Fat and grains both take a long time to be digested. The fat from chi­cken, avo­ca­do, bone broth, nuts and seeds, oil, but­ter or milk the­r­e­fo­re remains in the blood­stream for seve­ral hours. The pro­cess of digest­ing the grain’s com­plex car­bo­hy­dra­tes takes less time. Even so, the diges­ti­on time of four to six hours (depen­ding on den­si­ty and por­ti­on size) is still a long time. This long break­down pro­cess is seen by many as a posi­ti­ve thing, as it sup­po­sedly pro­vi­des the body with fuel over a lon­ger peri­od of time.

Insulin resistance problem

The truth is: com­plex car­bo­hy­dra­tes are bro­ken down into sugar. If fat is pre­sent in the blood­stream, then the com­bi­na­ti­on is fat + sugar. This is the real cau­se of insu­lin resis­tance. Sugar atta­ches its­elf to insu­lin in order to get into the cells. Howe­ver, high blood fats are respon­si­ble for pre­ven­ting sugar from ente­ring the cells. This is becau­se fat absorbs some of the insu­lin and pre­vents the sugar from bin­ding to the insu­lin. The result is that more insu­lin has to be pro­du­ced. This in turn leads to the pan­cre­as beco­ming per­ma­nent­ly wea­k­en­ed. Swea­ting, hot flas­hes, mild diz­ziness, fluc­tua­ting ener­gy levels, con­stant fee­ling of hun­ger, swel­ling and mild tre­mors could result.

So we should only eat our grain meals iso­la­ted from radi­cal fats! 

By the way, fruits are not com­plex car­bo­hy­dra­tes. The fruc­to­se enters the blood­stream and organs very quick­ly and is used within an hour. If you eat a lar­ge fruit meal (e.g. seve­ral bana­nas) at once, absorp­ti­on can take two to three hours. 

Fruits do not pose the same risk of insu­lin resis­tance as grains. Even if the­re is fat in the blood­stream, insu­lin can bind to the sugar more easi­ly than grains and trans­port it into the cells. So if you want to eat a meal with a com­bi­na­ti­on of sugar + fat, then you should pre­fer­a­b­ly use a pie­ce of fruit as the source of sugar. In other words: It is much bet­ter to eat an apple with pea­nut but­ter than oat­me­al with pea­nut butter.

Millet and gluten-free oats are the best choices

If you don’t want to do wit­hout grains, then mil­let and oat flakes are the best choice. Make sure that the oats are labe­led as glu­ten-free. Even though oats are natu­ral­ly glu­ten-free, pro­ces­sing can cau­se them to beco­me contaminated.


Qui­noa is a healt­hy grain, but is more dif­fi­cult to digest com­pared to mil­let and oat­me­al. It scrat­ches the intesti­nal lining, mea­ning it can cau­se pro­blems in peo­p­le with intesti­nal tract dis­or­ders. If you want to deto­xi­fy your body in a gent­le and heal­ing way, you should avo­id qui­noa for a while.

Gluten-free grains are not responsible for symptoms

Fol­lo­wers of popu­lar diets like the keto­ge­nic diet belie­ve that grains them­sel­ves are bad for us. That’s not exact­ly cor­rect. While it is true that grains con­tai­ning glu­ten con­tri­bu­te to our sym­ptoms, this is not true of glu­ten-free grains. It is rather the unfa­vorable com­bi­na­ti­on of com­plex car­bo­hy­dra­tes (grains) and fats that has a nega­ti­ve impact on our health.

Grains and digestive problems

Many peo­p­le report diges­ti­ve pro­blems when they com­bi­ne fats with grains. The reason is that due to this unfa­vorable com­bi­na­ti­on, more sto­mach acid and bile have to be pro­du­ced. Howe­ver, if our liver is alre­a­dy wea­k­en­ed by patho­gens, toxic hea­vy metals and a “high fat/high pro­te­in” diet and the sto­mach acid and pan­cre­as are no lon­ger as strong, then this dif­fi­cult diges­ti­ve pro­cess does not pro­ceed opti­mal­ly. As a result, food beg­ins to rot in the intesti­nal tract. Patho­gens find it easy to thri­ve in such an envi­ron­ment. The result is a fee­ling of full­ness, nau­sea, con­s­ti­pa­ti­on or sto­mach pain.


If you want to take your heal­ing to the next level, cut­ting out all grain pro­ducts (except mil­let and oats) will help you do so. For exam­p­le, you could replace your grains with pota­toes. In con­trast to grains, the­se have anti­vi­ral pro­per­ties. If you want to go a step fur­ther on your heal­ing path, you can also com­ple­te­ly avo­id all grains. This would give your diges­ti­ve sys­tem a break while making room for more bene­fi­ci­al foods.

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