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Compa­re and order the recom­men­ded nut­ri­tio­nal supplements.

High performance blender 

Hoch­leis­tungs­mi­xer Hoch­leis­tungs­mi­xer eig­nen sich her­vor­ra­gend zum Zube­rei­ten von Smoothies und Sup­pen wie dem Hea­vy-Metal-Detox-Smoothie, Liver-Res­cue-Smoothie, Spi­nat­sup­pe u. v. m. Spar­gut­schei­ne (Im Waren­korb ein­ge­ben): Grü­ne­Per­len* 1,5 % Rabatt mit Gut­schein­code: l6SKTpBQiq…

Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie 

Ingre­di­ents for the Hea­vy Metal Detox Smoothie 2 ripe bana­nas 2 cups (approx. 250 g) fro­zen wild blueber­ries (alter­na­tively 4 tsp wild blueber­ry pow­der from Vimer­gy) 1 cup (approx. 40 g) coriander…

What is the reason for bloating? 

Medi­cal sources, among other things, bla­me lec­tins for fla­tu­lence, but sin­ce they are in almost every fruit and vege­ta­ble, that can’t actual­ly be the reason, otherwise…

Wild blueberries 

Wild blueber­ries from Cana­da Wild blueber­ries are essen­ti­al for pre­pa­ring the Hea­vy Metal Detox Smoothie. They should be Ame­ri­can wild blueber­ries (Vac­ci­ni­um angusti­fo­li­um / Maine or Vac­ci­ni­um myrtilloides /…

Abbreviations and their meanings 

Most com­mon abbre­via­ti­ons SeSa – cele­ry juice HMDS – Hea­vy Metal Detox Smoothie EBV – Epstein-Barr virus ZiWa / ZW – lemon water (juice of half a lemon in 0.5 liters of water)…

The fat-free morning 

The­re are so many things that bother us on our pla­net (patho­gens, toxins, unhe­alt­hy foods, stress and so much more) and the­r­e­fo­re this help for our bodies is urgen­tly nee­ded. Himself…


Algae Algae are very important becau­se they are hel­pful aids in deto­xi­fi­ca­ti­on. The most well-known algae is dul­se, which is essen­ti­al for making the Hea­vy Metal Detox Smoothie. Agar Agar…


Basi­cal­ly, our favo­ri­te aut­hor is a big fan of algae. Algae can ser­ve as mul­ti­vit­amins and even deto­xi­fy hea­vy metals. We make use of the lat­ter in par­ti­cu­lar and that is why the…

Morning routine 

If you are not yet fami­li­ar with the recom­men­da­ti­ons of our favo­ri­te aut­hor, then this artic­le will give you a brief over­view of the liver reli­ef mor­ning. This pro­cess should beco­me a regu­lar part of your mor­ning routine,…


The dis­ad­van­ta­ges of zeo­li­te “They are not good, they dehy­dra­te us and depri­ve us of important trace ele­ments.” You­Tube Live Sup­ple­ments I took from July 15, 21, 3:08 p.m. Zeo­li­te also can­not lea­ve the intesti­nal tract, in…

Extractor smoothie 

Ingre­di­ents for one ser­ving of Extra­c­tor Smoothie: 1 apple, diced 125 ml fresh or fro­zen wild blueber­ries or 30 ml pure blueber­ry juice or 1 tbsp pure blueber­ry pow­der 1 cup fresh or…

Toxic Heavy Metals Exposure 

This detox shot is spe­ci­fi­cal­ly desi­gned to address recent toxic hea­vy metal expo­sure and helps pre­vent the buil­dup of toxic hea­vy metals deep within the body. This shot can be used as an addi­tio­nal therapy…

The right blueberries for the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie 

Blueber­ry, bil­ber­ry, wild blueber­ry, … in Ger­man-spea­king count­ries we use dif­fe­rent words when we talk about one and the same reci­pe – the hea­vy metal detox smoothie or “HMDS” (from the Eng­lish for…
