Every experience we have is followed by a release of adrenaline from our adrenal glands. In total there are 56 different types of adrenaline. On the one hand, adrenaline gives us the strength we need to survive certain situations. On the other hand, it has negative effects on our body as long as we don’t learn to eliminate the adrenaline. Actually, the adrenaline should leave our body (via our urine) as soon as the triggering event has passed. But certain events often keep us busy for more than a day.
For example, if you find out that your girlfriend or boyfriend has been cheating on you for a long time, you won’t get over it in a day. Rather, the adrenaline stays in your body for a very long time (maybe even forever). Additional information about the event is stored in the adrenaline released by our adrenal glands during this emotionally painful time. The adrenaline is stored in the body’s cells along with the emotion arising from the breach of faith and this in turn has an influence on our well-being. Unless we give the body a chance to get rid of the adrenaline.
Examples of emotional adrenaline triggers
- You are being blamed for something you didn’t do
- Separation from the partner
- You found out that your partner is cheating
- Breach of trust
- loss of a person
- Many other (even more inconspicuous) triggers…
Foods rich in fat keep adrenaline in our bodies longer
A persistently high adrenaline load can pose problems for our health. One reason why adrenaline cannot easily leave our body is that we eat the wrong food. Foods with a high fat content are particularly problematic because they can absorb adrenaline. The fat cells then store in our liver and other places in our body.
Even if some people’s physical appearance would not suggest that they have a lot of stored fat cells, they may still have accumulated in certain areas, such as the liver. It is therefore important to take a break from radical fats every now and then and get rid of the stored fat cells with the help of a cleanse. We often eat to relieve emotional pain. We shouldn’t be ashamed of this because it’s natural to feel the need for food in difficult times. Our brain and body require fuel in order to remain functional in such an energy-sapping situation. However, in such moments we usually eat food that prevents the adrenaline from leaving our body.
Protecting the brain with the right food
However, not eating anything in stressful situations should not be the solution, as even then some adrenaline is still stored in the body. Adrenaline is not only stored when high-fat food has been consumed. Adrenaline can be stored not only in fat cells, but in all cells and organs in our body. What is crucial in such crisis situations is glucose intake (e.g. fruits, Pumpkins, potatoes) and consuming mineral salts (e.g. celery juice) to protect our brain cells and neurotransmitters.
How do stored emotions affect us?
Suppose you have been able to leave the crisis period in which a lot of harmful adrenaline was released behind you. Maybe you even reunited with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Despite this fact, the adrenaline from this and other painful times remains stored in our body cells.
This results in certain behavior patterns and even in times when you are not facing any problems, certain feelings and emotions arise. In certain situations, this can lead to you behaving in a way that you were not used to before. Because all the painful experiences from the past can make you more emotionally unstable, you may overreact in certain situations.
What awaits us during an emotional cleansing? (Example: cleaning medication and drug residues)
Emotional cleansing varies from person to person because we all carry different toxins. Most people have accumulated many toxins in their bodies over the course of their lives, such as residues from recreational drugs and medications. These are usually taken in times of psychological or physical crisis, when the adrenal glands have to release a lot of adrenaline anyway. Taking additional medication or drugs puts even greater strain on the body. For example, when we take anti-anxiety medications such as benzodiazepines or other types of medication or recreational drugs as a result of, for example, a breakup, the adrenaline is stored in the cells along with the medication or drug. When we cleanse our body, our cells release the medications and drugs, combined with the old adrenaline, into the bloodstream. This can cause emotions such as sadness, emotional pain, or anxiety to surface.
Change in sense of taste and smell during cleaning
As we cleanse our bodies of toxins, the dissolved toxins circulating through the blood may affect our sense of taste and smell. So it can happen that during a cleaning, the taste of a burger that you may have eaten at a fast food restaurant as a child comes back. Maybe it’s an ice cream, a donut, cheese, cookies or cigarette smoke that suddenly becomes noticeable again. Or it is simply a familiar taste that can no longer be precisely assigned.
Sometimes it is pungent and putrid, ammonia-like or sulfur-like, making your breath smell like aging cheese or rotting meat. With the changes in sensory perceptions, certain feelings can come to the surface. You will also notice that the taste of a grape, one apples, one Celery stick or a strawberry will not occur as these foods are not toxic. The smells and tastes can also be changed and sharpened by cleaning and the associated getting rid of a certain amount of toxins.
Change in emotional well-being
Your emotional well-being may also change. This does not mean that cleansing the body will make you more emotional. Rather, you may become more emotionally protected and stable. Old injuries can create such a fog that we don’t realize we’re making the same mistakes over and over again. However, once the toxins, all the adrenaline and all the pain still deep in our cells leave our bodies, we will find it easier to deal with the challenges of the moment rather than acting out of fear and desperation.
Cleansing also makes us wiser. We feel more protected and more aware of the people we spend our time with and who we can trust. We become more perceptive, less reactive and more mindful. A sense of who we really are can now clearly emerge. We can finally break free from the chains that have prevented us from living our lives for all these years. All of this is possible when we rid our cells of all the toxins, viruses, harmful bacteria and all the adrenaline (with the old emotions trapped).
“Sunset meditation” as additional support
Emotional blows cause damage to our souls. They can cause your belief in overcoming illness and getting well again to fade. Becoming aware of sunsets is an effective way to heal such damage. Just take a few minutes towards the end of the day and watch the sunset. You don’t need to look directly into the sun (also to protect your eyes). Even if your view of the sky is blocked (for example, if you are inside a building), you can use this meditation by simply becoming aware of it at the time of sunset.
The setting of the sun may feel like losing a good friend, but with the promise that he will come back tomorrow. That’s why this exercise has such profound benefits. Because unlike friends who can leave us permanently in our lives, the sun will rise again the next morning.
When the sun appears above the horizon the next day, our bodies have already adjusted to the rhythm of the earth and you automatically know that your friend has returned. The sun has risen every day of your life and will stay that way for the rest of your life. When you connect with this truth that the sun will never let you down, your soul will regain more trust.
This summary is based on that Facebook Live from June 15, 2020.