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Adrenaline and emotions

We all go through emo­tio­nal­ly dif­fi­cult pha­ses at times. The stored adre­na­line in the body ensu­res that we are influen­ced by the­se emo­ti­ons for a long time. Sum­ma­ry of the Face­book Live from June 15, 2020 

Every expe­ri­ence we have is fol­lo­wed by a release of adre­na­line from our adre­nal glands. In total the­re are 56 dif­fe­rent types of adre­na­line. On the one hand, adre­na­line gives us the strength we need to sur­vi­ve cer­tain situa­tions. On the other hand, it has nega­ti­ve effects on our body as long as we don’t learn to eli­mi­na­te the adre­na­line. Actual­ly, the adre­na­line should lea­ve our body (via our uri­ne) as soon as the trig­ge­ring event has pas­sed. But cer­tain events often keep us busy for more than a day. 

For exam­p­le, if you find out that your girl­fri­end or boy­fri­end has been chea­ting on you for a long time, you won’t get over it in a day. Rather, the adre­na­line stays in your body for a very long time (may­be even fore­ver). Addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on about the event is stored in the adre­na­line released by our adre­nal glands during this emo­tio­nal­ly pain­ful time. The adre­na­line is stored in the body’s cells along with the emo­ti­on ari­sing from the breach of faith and this in turn has an influence on our well-being. Unless we give the body a chan­ce to get rid of the adrenaline.

Examples of emotional adrenaline triggers

  • You are being bla­med for some­thing you did­n’t do
  • Sepa­ra­ti­on from the partner
  • You found out that your part­ner is cheating 
  • Breach of trust
  • loss of a person
  • Many other (even more incon­spi­cuous) triggers…

Foods rich in fat keep adrenaline in our bodies longer

A per­sis­t­ent­ly high adre­na­line load can pose pro­blems for our health. One reason why adre­na­line can­not easi­ly lea­ve our body is that we eat the wrong food. Foods with a high fat con­tent are par­ti­cu­lar­ly pro­ble­ma­tic becau­se they can absorb adre­na­line. The fat cells then store in our liver and other places in our body. 

Even if some people’s phy­si­cal appearance would not sug­gest that they have a lot of stored fat cells, they may still have accu­mu­la­ted in cer­tain are­as, such as the liver. It is the­r­e­fo­re important to take a break from radi­cal fats every now and then and get rid of the stored fat cells with the help of a cle­an­se. We often eat to reli­e­ve emo­tio­nal pain. We should­n’t be asha­med of this becau­se it’s natu­ral to feel the need for food in dif­fi­cult times. Our brain and body requi­re fuel in order to remain func­tion­al in such an ener­gy-sap­ping situa­ti­on. Howe­ver, in such moments we usual­ly eat food that pre­vents the adre­na­line from lea­ving our body.

Protecting the brain with the right food

Howe­ver, not eating any­thing in stressful situa­tions should not be the solu­ti­on, as even then some adre­na­line is still stored in the body. Adre­na­line is not only stored when high-fat food has been con­su­med. Adre­na­line can be stored not only in fat cells, but in all cells and organs in our body. What is cru­cial in such cri­sis situa­tions is glu­co­se inta­ke (e.g. fruits, Pump­kins, pota­toes) and con­sum­ing mine­ral salts (e.g. cele­ry juice) to pro­tect our brain cells and neurotransmitters.

How do stored emotions affect us?

Sup­po­se you have been able to lea­ve the cri­sis peri­od in which a lot of harmful adre­na­line was released behind you. May­be you even reu­ni­ted with your boy­fri­end or girl­fri­end. Despi­te this fact, the adre­na­line from this and other pain­ful times remains stored in our body cells. 

This results in cer­tain beha­vi­or pat­terns and even in times when you are not facing any pro­blems, cer­tain fee­lings and emo­ti­ons ari­se. In cer­tain situa­tions, this can lead to you beha­ving in a way that you were not used to befo­re. Becau­se all the pain­ful expe­ri­en­ces from the past can make you more emo­tio­nal­ly unsta­ble, you may over­re­act in cer­tain situations.

What awaits us during an emotional cleansing? (Example: cleaning medication and drug residues)

Emo­tio­nal cle­an­sing varies from per­son to per­son becau­se we all car­ry dif­fe­rent toxins. Most peo­p­le have accu­mu­la­ted many toxins in their bodies over the cour­se of their lives, such as resi­dues from recrea­tio­nal drugs and medi­ca­ti­ons. The­se are usual­ly taken in times of psy­cho­lo­gi­cal or phy­si­cal cri­sis, when the adre­nal glands have to release a lot of adre­na­line any­way. Taking addi­tio­nal medi­ca­ti­on or drugs puts even grea­ter strain on the body. For exam­p­le, when we take anti-anxie­ty medi­ca­ti­ons such as ben­zo­dia­ze­pi­nes or other types of medi­ca­ti­on or recrea­tio­nal drugs as a result of, for exam­p­le, a break­up, the adre­na­line is stored in the cells along with the medi­ca­ti­on or drug. When we cle­an­se our body, our cells release the medi­ca­ti­ons and drugs, com­bi­ned with the old adre­na­line, into the blood­stream. This can cau­se emo­ti­ons such as sad­ness, emo­tio­nal pain, or anxie­ty to surface.

Change in sense of taste and smell during cleaning

As we cle­an­se our bodies of toxins, the dis­sol­ved toxins cir­cu­la­ting through the blood may affect our sen­se of tas­te and smell. So it can hap­pen that during a clea­ning, the tas­te of a bur­ger that you may have eaten at a fast food restau­rant as a child comes back. May­be it’s an ice cream, a donut, cheese, coo­kies or ciga­ret­te smo­ke that sud­den­ly beco­mes noti­ceable again. Or it is sim­ply a fami­li­ar tas­te that can no lon­ger be pre­cis­e­ly assigned. 

Some­ti­mes it is pun­gent and putrid, ammo­nia-like or sul­fur-like, making your breath smell like aging cheese or rot­ting meat. With the chan­ges in sen­so­ry per­cep­ti­ons, cer­tain fee­lings can come to the sur­face. You will also noti­ce that the tas­te of a gra­pe, one app­les, one Cele­ry stick or a straw­ber­ry will not occur as the­se foods are not toxic. The smells and tas­tes can also be chan­ged and shar­pe­ned by clea­ning and the asso­cia­ted get­ting rid of a cer­tain amount of toxins.

Change in emotional well-being

Your emo­tio­nal well-being may also chan­ge. This does not mean that cle­an­sing the body will make you more emo­tio­nal. Rather, you may beco­me more emo­tio­nal­ly pro­tec­ted and sta­ble. Old inju­ries can crea­te such a fog that we don’t rea­li­ze we’­re making the same mista­kes over and over again. Howe­ver, once the toxins, all the adre­na­line and all the pain still deep in our cells lea­ve our bodies, we will find it easier to deal with the chal­lenges of the moment rather than acting out of fear and desperation. 

Cle­an­sing also makes us wiser. We feel more pro­tec­ted and more awa­re of the peo­p­le we spend our time with and who we can trust. We beco­me more per­cep­ti­ve, less reac­ti­ve and more mindful. A sen­se of who we real­ly are can now cle­ar­ly emer­ge. We can final­ly break free from the chains that have pre­ven­ted us from living our lives for all the­se years. All of this is pos­si­ble when we rid our cells of all the toxins, viru­s­es, harmful bac­te­ria and all the adre­na­line (with the old emo­ti­ons trapped).

“Sunset meditation” as additional support

Emo­tio­nal blows cau­se dama­ge to our souls. They can cau­se your belief in over­co­ming ill­ness and get­ting well again to fade. Beco­ming awa­re of sun­sets is an effec­ti­ve way to heal such dama­ge. Just take a few minu­tes towards the end of the day and watch the sun­set. You don’t need to look direct­ly into the sun (also to pro­tect your eyes). Even if your view of the sky is blo­cked (for exam­p­le, if you are insi­de a buil­ding), you can use this medi­ta­ti­on by sim­ply beco­ming awa­re of it at the time of sunset.

The set­ting of the sun may feel like losing a good fri­end, but with the pro­mi­se that he will come back tomor­row. That’s why this exer­cise has such pro­found bene­fits. Becau­se unli­ke fri­ends who can lea­ve us per­ma­nent­ly in our lives, the sun will rise again the next morning. 

When the sun appears abo­ve the hori­zon the next day, our bodies have alre­a­dy adjus­ted to the rhythm of the earth and you auto­ma­ti­cal­ly know that your fri­end has retur­ned. The sun has risen every day of your life and will stay that way for the rest of your life. When you con­nect with this truth that the sun will never let you down, your soul will regain more trust.

This sum­ma­ry is based on that Face­book Live from June 15, 2020.

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