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Anja’s gluten-free bread

Anja’s glu­ten-free bread is a won­derful alter­na­ti­ve to con­ven­tio­nal bread. It gets its good bak­ing pro­per­ties from pota­to flour and lin­seed flour. It is sui­ta­ble for the tran­si­ti­on to a fat-free diet. 

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Ingre­di­ents for glu­ten-free bread:


Mix all dry ingre­di­ents in one con­tai­ner and all wet ingre­di­ents in ano­ther con­tai­ner. (warm water, oil and map­le syrup)

Gra­du­al­ly stir the liquid into the dry mix­tu­re so that it does­n’t get too wet.

Knead the dough with your hands and shape it into a loaf.

Line the loaf pan with bak­ing paper, place the loaf in it and let it rest for 12 hours, cover­ed with a kit­chen towel.

Pre­heat the oven to 180 degrees, mois­ten the loaf of bread with water (spray or brush) and bake in the tin for 30 minu­tes. Remo­ve the loaf from the tin, mois­ten again and bake for ano­ther 30 minu­tes (this time wit­hout the tin)

This bread is our own crea­ti­on, glu­ten-free and low in fat.

Reduced-fat version, gluten-free bread: 

To redu­ce the fat con­tent, avo­id coco­nut oil and only use e.g. B. 10g sun­flower seeds. You can also redu­ce the chia seeds to 10g, becau­se the hig­hest fat con­tent of this bread reci­pe is hid­den in them and in the seeds. Howe­ver, you should then add 2 teas­poons of bak­ing pow­der to the dough. It then needs about an hour to rest and it turns out to be a very fluffy and deli­cious bread, even wit­hout much res­t­ing time.

Anja's gluten-free bread 1

If you need a rea­dy-made mix, cont­act Anja at:

Enjoy it! 

We would like to say thank you very much for this deli­cious bread reci­pe Anja Marnelakis-Friedlein. 

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