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Anja’s gingerbread cookies

The­se deli­cious coo­kies are easy to make and can be gla­zed and deco­ra­ted to your heart’s con­tent. Enjoy­ment wit­hout reg­ret, not just during Advent. 

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Fine­ly grind the mil­let (varia­ble with other flours, e.g. qui­noa) and the glu­ten-free oat flakes. Now first all the dry ingre­di­ents are mixed tog­e­ther. Next, add the coco­nut oil, the lemon and some of the water and knead ever­y­thing, adding a litt­le more water if necessary.

Quar­ter the dough and roll it out on a flou­red sur­face (approx. 5 mm thick) and cut it out.

Bake in the pre­hea­ted oven at 180°C top and bot­tom heat for approx. 15 minu­tes. Let cool on the bak­ing sheet.

For the glaze: 

Grind 2 tab­les­poons of coco­nut blos­som sugar (works very well in a cof­fee grin­der) and mix the resul­ting pow­de­red sugar with 1 teas­poon of car­ob and a few drops of water to form a thick gla­ze. Final­ly, spread with a brush and deco­ra­te direct­ly with ground almonds, sesa­me or coco­nut flakes.

The quan­ti­ty makes approx. 40 cookies.

The­re is no reason to miss out on deli­cious coo­kies during the Christ­mas sea­son. The of Anja Mar­nel­a­kis-Fried­lein desi­gned gin­ger­b­read coo­kies are a won­derful, com­pli­ant alter­na­ti­ve to the usu­al Christ­mas coo­kies and no less deli­cious. You avo­id lots of nuts in favor of redu­cing fat. You can feast here wit­hout regrets.

Enjoy them!

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