
Apple juice popsicles

It can be so easy to enjoy heal­ing spi­ces in a tasty way. With this apple juice ice cream on a stick, even child­ren can easi­ly get exci­ted about healt­hy things. 
Apple juice popsicles on wooden board with apple

Ingre­di­ents for 6–8 ser­vings:


Place the apple juice and spi­ces in a small sau­ce­pan and bring to a sim­mer. Turn off the heat and let the aro­ma­tics steep until the liquid has coo­led. Now strain through a fine sie­ve and stir in the honey. Pour into pop­sic­le molds and place in the free­zer overnight. 

Alter­na­tively, you can mix all the ingre­di­ents and let the fla­vors steep for 3 hours at room tem­pe­ra­tu­re. Strain through a fine sie­ve and pour into pop­sic­le molds and place in the free­zer overnight.


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