AW-Picks Ringnatur

Apricot balls

A sweet tempt­a­ti­on that is rich in vit­amin C thanks to the apri­cots and oran­ges used. The warm­ing effects of cin­na­mon and gin­ger and the exo­tic tas­te of coco­nut flakes make them a popu­lar tre­at that can be eaten in no time. 
Bowl of apricot balls

Ingre­di­ents for approx. 18 balls:


Grind the almonds in a food pro­ces­sor until they are small but still a litt­le chun­ky. Emp­ty the con­tai­ner and also chop the dried apri­cots in the food pro­ces­sor.
Add the remai­ning ingre­di­ents (apart from the 4 tab­les­poons of crus­hed almonds and/or coco­nut flakes) to the food pro­ces­sor with the apri­cots. Con­ti­nue pro­ces­sing until the mix­tu­re holds tog­e­ther and forms a sti­cky mass.
Roll small balls out of the mix­tu­re by hand, pos­si­bly wet­ting your hands with a litt­le water so that they don’t stick too much.
Roll each ball in the crus­hed almonds and/or desic­ca­ted coco­nut to coat.

Arran­ge on a pla­te and enjoy! 


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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