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Baby food from nature that is closest to mother’s milk

What do you give a baby who, for wha­te­ver reason, can­not be breast­fed? Natu­re has a won­derful sub­sti­tu­te for such cases. 

Baby food from nature that is closest to mother’s milk

One topic has been making head­lines late­ly: baby food shortages.

The fol­lo­wing infor­ma­ti­on may be of gre­at importance to you if you are the mother of – or rela­ted to – a baby or young child.

Some mothers are sim­ply unable to breast­feed or pro­vi­de their babies with enough breast milk. Sin­ce fee­ding indus­tri­al­ly pro­du­ced infant for­mu­la is not to be advo­ca­ted unless the­re is abso­lut­e­ly no other opti­on, a natu­ral alter­na­ti­ve is nee­ded. The­re are, of cour­se, reasons for the­se dif­fi­cul­ties that can be resol­ved with the right infor­ma­ti­on. And during this tran­si­ti­on peri­od, a mother may need options.

The spi­rit of com­pas­si­on has deli­ver­ed a baby for­mu­la that is clo­sest to mother’s milk. 


With over 25 essen­ti­al nut­ri­ents, inclu­ding magne­si­um, iron, essen­ti­al fat­ty acids and easy diges­ti­bi­li­ty, making it much easier for the body to absorb nut­ri­ents, the avo­ca­do one of the most per­fect foods.

In addi­ti­on, avo­ca­dos con­tain a lot of glutat­hio­ne. This streng­thens the heart, streng­thens the immu­ne sys­tem, rebuilds the ner­vous sys­tem and slows down the aging pro­cess. Howe­ver, what makes the avo­ca­do an extre­me­ly important food is the mono­un­sa­tu­ra­ted fat­ty acids it con­ta­ins. The­se rever­se insu­lin resis­tance and ther­eby sta­bi­li­ze blood sugar levels!

Do you know that the avo­ca­do is the food that comes clo­sest to breast milk due to its ratio of pro­te­in, fat and glucose? 

Barley grass juice powder

One of the other most nut­ri­ent-rich foods from natu­re is Bar­ley grass juice pow­der.

This powerful food boosts the body’s immu­ni­ty. It can help balan­ce the body’s pH and inhi­bit the growth of dise­a­se bac­te­ria. Bey­ond boos­ting the immu­ne sys­tem, bar­ley grass juice pow­der also alka­li­zes the body, increa­ses ener­gy, aids diges­ti­on, reli­e­ves con­s­ti­pa­ti­on, and impro­ves over­all hair, skin, and nail health.


The 76 % of water it con­ta­ins makes the bana­na a fan­ta­stic elec­tro­ly­te food. It is also rich in vit­amins and mine­rals such as vit­amin C, B6, pot­as­si­um, cop­per and man­gane­se. The high glu­co­se con­tent makes bana­nas an excel­lent food for the brain and mus­cle buil­ding. So you can ima­gi­ne that bana­nas are a per­fect food for ath­le­tes – they rep­le­nish the body with new ener­gy and instant­ly revi­ta­li­ze it.

This won­derful fruit con­ta­ins very powerful anti­bio­tic and anti­fun­gal com­pounds and is capa­ble of stop­ping a virus in its tracks. In addi­ti­on, bana­nas pro­mo­te the absorp­ti­on and assi­mi­la­ti­on of nut­ri­ents. In addi­ti­on, they sup­port the natu­ral bac­te­ria in the intesti­nes, which keeps the diges­ti­ve tract healt­hy and the immu­ne sys­tem strong.

Coconut water

Coco­nut water is an incre­di­bly nut­ri­tious drink, packed with B vit­amins and mine­rals such as cal­ci­um, iron, magne­si­um, pot­as­si­um, zinc and man­gane­se. It is also one of the best sources of elec­tro­lytes in the world. In fact, it even has the same elec­tro­ly­te con­tent as our blood.

Did you know that coco­nut water is iden­ti­cal to human plas­ma? This plas­ma makes up 55 % of our human blood. Coco­nut water can the­r­e­fo­re be con­side­red a “uni­ver­sal donor”.

Plus, as a com­ple­te elec­tro­ly­te, coco­nut water mois­tu­ri­zes on a deep, cel­lu­lar level.

The ingre­di­ents in this natu­ral for­mu­la make it one of the clo­sest foods you can get to breast milk.

Baby milk recipe



Mix all ingre­di­ents in a high-per­for­mance blen­der. When using coco­nut water, the amount should be such that the milk is thin enough to fit through the teat ope­ning of the baby bot­t­le. Strain this milk mix­tu­re through a nut milk bag or some­thing simi­lar so that the ope­ning of the paci­fier is not blocked. 

The reci­pe is best made fresh, but can also be made the night befo­re and stored in the fridge. 

Fur­ther notes from Muneeza: 

  1. Plea­se note that almost every mom makes this reci­pe a litt­le dif­fer­ent­ly for her baby. If you are still fee­ding while breast­fee­ding, the bar­ley grass juice pow­der can be omit­ted. If only this sub­sti­tu­te milk is used, the bar­ley grass juice pow­der should defi­ni­te­ly be left in the reci­pe for important minerals.
  2. Plea­se note that babies with very slug­gish livers and skin dise­a­ses, for exam­p­le, may not tole­ra­te the fat con­tent well. The­r­e­fo­re, the fat con­tent can be redu­ced and the amount of bana­nas increased as nee­ded. Com­ple­te­ly avo­ca­do-free is not recom­men­ded as babies need some fat.

Source: Munee­za Ahmed

(Note from Team Cele­ry Juice: Munee­za Ahmed is pro­ba­b­ly the best-known prac­ti­tio­ner in Ame­ri­ca, who was a cli­ent of our favo­ri­te aut­hor for seve­ral years in con­nec­tion with her own serious ill­ness and who has been very suc­cessful in advi­sing peo­p­le around the world accor­ding to his tea­chings. She gives high­ly recom­men­ded online cour­ses and brings tog­e­ther, under high­ly com­pe­tent lea­der­ship, a streng­thening com­mu­ni­ty of peo­p­le who want to fol­low their heal­ing path with this knowledge.)

Ger­man sum­ma­ry: Sabi­ne Men­zel

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