
Baked Apples with Date-Peanut Filling

Irre­sis­ti­bly deli­cious! The­se baked app­les with a sur­pri­sing com­bi­na­ti­on of sweet dates, nut­ty pea­nut but­ter and spi­cy cin­na­mon will delight you. A vegan des­sert that you will love. 
baked apples with stuffing
Click on the image to watch the video.


  • 4 app­les
  • 1 tab­les­poon lemon juice (for the apple surfaces)
  • 1 handful Dates
  • 1 tbsp Cin­na­mon (plus ½ tab­les­poon for the apple leftovers)
  • 2 tbsp glu­ten free oatmeal
  • 3 tbsp map­le syrup
  • 1 tab­les­poon pea­nut butter
  • 4 tab­les­poons oat milk
  • ½ tbsp vanil­la flakes
  • juice of one lemon (for the filling)
  • bana­na ice cream (to serve)


  1. Prepa­re app­les: Cut the tops off the app­les and careful­ly hol­low them out. Brush the open are­as with a litt­le lemon juice to pre­vent them from tur­ning brown.
  2. Prepa­re the fil­ling: Puree dates, 1 tab­les­poon cin­na­mon, 2 tab­les­poons oat­me­al, 3 tab­les­poons map­le syrup, 1 tab­les­poon pea­nut but­ter, 4 tab­les­poons oat milk and ½ tab­les­poon vanil­la flakes with a hand blen­der until a cre­a­my fil­ling is formed.
  3. Steam­ing apple lef­to­vers: Sau­té the hol­lo­wed-out apple remains in a pan with ½ tab­les­poon of cin­na­mon and the remai­ning lemon juice until soft.
  4. Fil­ling app­les: Pour the fil­ling even­ly into the hol­lo­wed-out app­les and lay­er the stea­m­ed apple pie­ces on top. Replace the apple lids.
  5. Bake: Pre­heat the oven to 180 degrees top/bottom heat. Place the fil­led app­les on a bak­ing tray and bake for 20 minutes.
  6. Ser­ve: Ser­ve the stuf­fed app­les warm with a por­ti­on of pure bana­na ice cream.

Bon appe­tit.

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