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Baked tomato soup with potato croutons

This easy to prepa­re baked toma­to soup is a tru­ly deli­cious tre­at thanks to the heat of the chi­li, the sweet­ness of the honey and the spi­ce of the gar­lic. The cris­py pota­to crou­tons trans­form the soup into a full-fled­ged main course. 

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Ingre­di­ents for 2 servings: 

For the pota­to croutons:


Pre­heat the oven to 200°C.

Line a bak­ing tray with bak­ing paper and spread the hal­ved toma­toes, gar­lic and oni­ons on it. Bake in the oven for 40 to 50 minu­tes until the vege­ta­bles are light­ly browned.

For the crou­tons, mix the pota­to cubes in a bowl with the oni­on, gar­lic and papri­ka pow­der so that the cubes are even­ly dus­ted. You can use both raw and stea­m­ed pota­toes; stea­m­ed pota­toes make the crou­tons cris­pier. Bake the pota­to cubes on a second bak­ing tray lined with bak­ing paper until they are cris­py and brown, which varies bet­ween 20 and 30 minu­tes depen­ding on the oven. 

Let the baked toma­toes cool for 10 minu­tes and then mix them in the blen­der with the toma­to pas­te, ore­ga­no, chi­li flakes, honey and medi­cinal broth to form a cre­a­my soup. Add the basil lea­ves and brief­ly puree again. 

Pour the soup onto pla­tes and ser­ve imme­dia­te­ly with the croutons. 

Bon appe­tit!

Source: Heal the Brain, The Prac­ti­ce Program

Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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