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banana walnut muffins

The­se are temp­ting muf­fins with the sweet­ness of bana­na and the nut­ty fla­vor of wal­nuts. Bana­nas are rich in ami­no acids, which, tog­e­ther with high­ly bio­available pot­as­si­um, act as a cata­lyst for rich elec­tro­ly­te production. 

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Ingre­di­ents for 12 muffins: 


Pre­heat the oven to 180 degrees. Line a 12-cup muf­fin tin with paper liners or grease well. Put aside.

Whisk tog­e­ther the ground flax seeds and water in a medi­um bowl. Set asi­de for 5 minu­tes. Next, add the mas­hed bana­na, coco­nut milk, lemon juice, vanil­la and map­le syrup to the flax­seed mix­tu­re. Whisk until a uni­form mass is formed.

In a second bowl, add the oat flour, who­le grain rice flour, ground wal­nuts, bak­ing soda and bak­ing pow­der. Mix with a whisk until the mix­tu­re is uni­form and free of lumps.

Pour the wet ingre­di­ents into the dry ingre­di­ents. Stir until ever­y­thing is even­ly mixed. The bat­ter should be very thick but poura­ble. If neces­sa­ry, add a litt­le more flour or coco­nut milk to achie­ve this consistency.

Divi­de the muf­fin bat­ter even­ly into the 12 muf­fin cups. Sprink­le some chop­ped wal­nuts on each muf­fin and bake for 22–25 minu­tes, until the top is brow­ned and a tooth­pick comes out clean.

Allow to cool in the muf­fin tin for a few minu­tes, then turn out onto a wire rack and allow to cool completely.

Best enjoy­ed the day of bak­ing and stored in an air­tight con­tai­ner until rea­dy to use.


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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