
Black bean burgers

A won­derful alter­na­ti­ve to con­ven­tio­nal bur­ger pat­ties is this ver­si­on made from black beans. They do not con­tain meat, glu­ten or soy and tas­te real­ly deli­cious with salad. 
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Pre­heat the oven to 190°C.

Heat some water in a pan and sau­té the chop­ped oni­ons and gar­lic until translucent. 

In a food pro­ces­sor, coar­se­ly crum­ble the wal­nuts, ground chia seeds, pars­ley, thy­me, sage, ore­ga­no, papri­ka and sea salt. Set asi­de in a medi­um mixing bowl. 

If using dried beans, soak them in ple­nty of water for 12 hours. Then pour off the water and sim­mer with fresh water for about 45 minu­tes. They are coo­ked when they can be mas­hed with a spoon. 

Place the beans and the oni­on-gar­lic mix­tu­re in the food pro­ces­sor and pul­se 5 times using the pul­se but­ton to rough­ly com­bi­ne. Now add the gra­ted zuc­chi­ni and pul­se 3 more times. Add the bean mix­tu­re to the con­tents of the mixing bowl and mix well. (If you don’t have a food pro­ces­sor, you can also mash the beans with a pota­to mas­her, which also works very well.)

Form 8 pat­ties from the dough and place them on a bak­ing tray lined with bak­ing paper. Bake in the pre­hea­ted oven for 15 minu­tes, then turn the pat­ties over and bake again for ano­ther 15 minutes. 

When the pat­ties have coo­led, they are each laye­red in a let­tuce leaf. In the ori­gi­nal, howe­ver, a glu­ten-free bun is served. 

First the pat­ty goes on the let­tuce leaf, then home­ma­de ket­chup, oni­on rings, cucum­ber sli­ces, avo­ca­do sli­ces and toma­to sli­ces. Clo­se the salad half and enjoy. 

Bon appe­tit!


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