
Brain Detox Tonic

Fer­men­ting ammo­nia gases, which ari­se from putre­fac­ti­ve pro­ces­ses in the intesti­ne cau­sed by rot­ting pro­te­ins and fats, can also reach the brain. A deto­xi­fi­ca­ti­on recom­men­da­ti­on is this two-part Brain Detox Tonic, which remo­ves toxins from the body. 
Glass of Brain Detox Tonic and glass of coconut water
Click on the image to watch the video.

If fer­men­ting foods in the intesti­nes that sit on the walls of the intesti­nal lining (e.g. putre­fac­ti­ve pro­te­ins and rot­ting fats) lead to ammo­nia gases, the­se can also reach the brain. So our favo­ri­te aut­hor recom­mends this two-part tonic to remo­ve the gases. Drink pure coco­nut water for 15 minu­tes accor­ding to the basic reci­pe, which flus­hes the loo­se­ned toxins from the body.


Blend all ingre­di­ents except the addi­tio­nal coco­nut water. 

Drink the addi­tio­nal coco­nut water 15 minu­tes after the basic reci­pe to flush out the toxins. 

To good health! 


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