
Brain Saver Wraps

Quick to make, easy to make, but rich in nut­ri­ents, the­se appe­tiz­ing wraps pro­vi­de your brain with important buil­ding blocks so that it can func­tion well. 
6 Brain Saver Wraps on wooden board
Click on the image to watch the video.

Ingre­di­ents for 6 wraps:

  • 6 lar­ger let­tuce leaves
  • 3 cups top­pings such as cucum­ber sli­ces, or cucum­ber nood­les, baby spin­ach and/or sprouts
  • 3 cups fruit, sliced
  • 2 cups ber­ries, sliced
  • half an orange

(1 cup is appro­xi­m­ate­ly 240 ml)


Wash the let­tuce lea­ves and place them on a sur­face. Then the top­pings such as cucum­ber sli­ces, baby spin­ach and sprouts are pla­ced on the let­tuce lea­ves. The next lay­er is fruits, such as bana­na sli­ces and man­goes. Final­ly, the­re are ber­ries, such as straw­ber­ries and blackberries. 

Drizz­le some oran­ge juice on each wrap. Complete!

Bon appe­tit!

Source: Heal your brain, The prac­ti­cal program

Pho­tos: Sabi­ne Menzel

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