
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Brussels sprout goulash

This fat-free, vegan goulash is packed with nut­ri­ents. Brussels sprouts are a high­ly nut­ri­tious vege­ta­ble rich in anti­oxi­dants, phy­to­nu­tri­ents, vit­amins C, A and E, and alka­li­zing mine­rals such as cal­ci­um, iron and manganese. 

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Ingre­di­ents for 4 ser­vings:


Wash the pota­toes well and cut them inclu­ding the peel into even, equal-sized cubes. Place on a bak­ing tray lined with bak­ing paper and bake in a pre­hea­ted oven at 250 degrees for about 35–45 minu­tes until they are nice and golden.

Clean the Brussels sprouts (about 900 grams should remain) and cook in sal­ted water for 8 minu­tes. Then strain and set aside.

Rough­ly dice the oni­ons and fine­ly chop the gar­lic. Fry both tog­e­ther in a lar­ge pot wit­hout fat. Add the toma­to pas­te and fry brief­ly. Then degla­ze with the gra­pe juice and use a woo­den scra­per to remo­ve the sedi­ment. Now add the aro­nia juice and vege­ta­ble broth as well as the Brussels sprouts and bring ever­y­thing to the boil again. Let sim­mer on a medi­um heat for ano­ther 5 minutes.

Final­ly add the spi­ces and pour in the map­le syrup. Mix ever­y­thing well and remo­ve from the heat. The goulash should now rest for a few minu­tes and cool down slightly.

Ser­ve with the pota­to cubes and deep plates.

Bon appe­tit!

More such fan­ta­stic recipes are in Gün­ther Karl’s cook­books to find:

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