
Burrito bowl

Crun­chy and aro­ma­tic deli­ca­ci­es from Mexi­can cui­sine make this bur­ri­to bowl a spe­cial tre­at. Raw cau­li­flower is easy to digest and so its full poten­ti­al can be used well. 
Click on the image to watch the video.


  • 100 g leafy greens (such as romaine let­tuce, spin­ach or green leaf lettuce)
  • 1 to 2 tab­les­poons lime, lemon or oran­ge juice for serving
  • Red pep­per flakes for ser­ving (optio­nal)

Cau­li­flower rice


  • 300 g diced tomatoes
  • 1 gar­lic clove, fine­ly chopped
  • 7g fresh cori­an­der, coar­se­ly chopped
  • 1/2 chop­ped red onion
  • 2 tbsp lime juice


  • 1 avo­ca­do
  • 1 to 2 tbsp lime juice
  • 1/2 gar­lic clove, fine­ly chopped
  • 2 tbsp fine­ly chop­ped red onion
  • 40 g diced tomatoes


To make the cau­li­flower rice, place the cau­li­flower flo­rets in a food pro­ces­sor and pul­se until you get a coar­se, rice-like tex­tu­re. You can also do it by hand if you don’t have a sui­ta­ble food pro­ces­sor available. Add the spi­ces and cori­an­der and mix.

To make the sal­sa, com­bi­ne toma­toes, gar­lic, cil­an­tro, red oni­on and lime juice in a small bowl and stir until even­ly com­bi­ned. Put aside. 

To make the guaca­mo­le, com­bi­ne the avo­ca­do, lime juice, gar­lic, red oni­on and toma­toes in a small bowl and stir until even­ly com­bi­ned. Put aside.

If you pre­fer a simp­le avo­ca­do pas­te ins­tead of guaca­mo­le, mash the avo­ca­do with a fork and mix even­ly with 1–2 tab­les­poons of lemon juice. 

Divi­de the greens, cau­li­flower rice, sal­sa and guaca­mo­le or mas­hed avo­ca­do among ser­ving bowls. Drizz­le with lemon or oran­ge juice and sprink­le with red pep­per flakes if desi­red. Ser­ve immediately.

Bon appe­tit!


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