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carrot cake

A fire­work of spi­ces makes this car­rot cake so aro­ma­tic. Cin­na­mon, car­da­mom, vanil­la, gin­ger and cloves har­mo­ni­ze won­derful­ly with wal­nuts, car­rots and rai­sins and tog­e­ther crea­te a deli­cious cake. 

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Ingredients for vegan carrot cake

Amount for approx. 8 pie­ces of vegan car­rot cake:

Cas­hew glaze: 

Preparation of the vegan carrot cake

Pre­heat the oven to 180°C. Line a brow­nie tin with bak­ing paper. 

In a medi­um bowl, whisk tog­e­ther the ground flax seeds and water then let sit for 5 minu­tes. After wai­ting, add the almond milk, coco­nut oil, coco­nut blos­som sugar and vanil­la and whisk evenly.

In a second bowl, add oat flour, brown rice flour, chop­ped wal­nuts, bak­ing pow­der, bak­ing soda, cin­na­mon, ground gin­ger, ground car­da­mom and ground cloves. Mix the­se dry ingre­di­ents well too. Now add the dry ingre­di­ents to the wet ingre­di­ents while stir­ring until a uni­form dough forms. Final­ly, stir in the gra­ted car­rots and rai­sins until even­ly distributed.

Pour the bat­ter into the pre­pared brow­nie pan and bake for 40–45 minu­tes, until the top is brown and a tooth­pick comes out clean. Allow to cool in the tin for 5 minu­tes, then remo­ve and let cool com­ple­te­ly on a wire rack.

To make the gla­ze, blend the soa­ked cas­hews (drain the water), map­le sugar, coco­nut milk and lemon juice in a high-speed blen­der until very smooth. If neces­sa­ry, add a litt­le water to mix bet­ter. Store in the ref­ri­ge­ra­tor until the cake has coo­led completely. 

When the cake has coo­led, spread the gla­ze even­ly over the cake and gar­nish with wal­nut pie­ces. Cut into squa­res and ser­ve immediately.

Bon appe­tit!


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