
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:


Anti-radia­ti­on tea 

Radia­ti­on and its con­se­quen­ces for the human body is one of the “Mer­ci­less Four” respon­si­ble for dise­a­se. The body reacts more sen­si­tively to radia­ti­on than medi­ci­ne realizes.

Glass of migraine buster juice
Migrai­ne bus­ter juice 

This juice can pro­vi­de reli­ef from migrai­nes. It con­sists of cele­ry, pear, gin­ger and rocket and can be drunk regu­lar­ly as a pre­ven­ti­ve mea­su­re or when a migrai­ne attack is about to occur. 

2 glasses with wild blueberry latte
Wild Blueber­ry Latte 

A won­derful­ly warm and cre­a­my drink that’s just right if you’­re loo­king for a hot drink. The Wild Blueber­ry Lat­te pam­pers you with the power of wild blueber­ries and is also a visu­al eye-catcher. 

Pump­kin spi­ce latte 

An incre­di­bly tasty drink that does­n’t requi­re any milk or cof­fee. Pump­kin and map­le syrup are the star here. Abso­lu­te recom­men­da­ti­on for anyo­ne loo­king for a warm­ing and very com­fort­ing drink. 

Chaga latte
Cha­ga latte 

Cha­ga lat­te is a won­derful alter­na­ti­ve to cof­fee. It is a quick drink with high anti­oxi­dant pro­per­ties that streng­thens the immu­ne sys­tem. For many, Cha­ga can be a gre­at help in quit­ting cof­fee addiction. 

Hibiscus lemonade and lemon balm lemonade in the herb bed
Lemon balm and hibis­cus lemonade 

Hibis­cus lemo­na­de free­zes well in ice cubes and can then be used to spi­ce up plain water as nee­ded. The lemon balm lemo­na­de is fil­led with solar power and is the­r­e­fo­re par­ti­cu­lar­ly healing. 
