
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

AW compliant recipes

Com­pli­ant recipes such as deli­cious main cour­ses, soups, breads, stews, salads, smoothies and des­serts based on Medi­cal Medium’s recom­men­da­ti­ons. The meals are com­pli­ant, glu­ten-free, corn-free, sugar-free and most­ly fat-free or redu­ced-fat and of cour­se do not con­tain ingre­di­ents such as milk, eggs, soy or other harmful no-foods. The­re are quick recipes with simp­le ingre­di­ents for ever­y­day coo­king as well as more ela­bo­ra­te dis­hes that satis­fy even the most sophisti­ca­ted pala­te and are sui­ta­ble for delight­ing guests and non-con­forming fami­ly mem­bers. The recipes include clas­sics from the Medi­cal Medi­um heal­ing tools, such as lemon water, hea­vy metal detox smoothie, liver heal­ing smoothie and heal­ing broth, as well as popu­lar recipes for ever­y­day life. The­se com­pli­ant recipes are sui­ta­ble for many occa­si­ons and dif­fe­rent tas­tes and not only give beg­in­ners a frame­work for coo­king, but also old hands can always find a new and tasty tas­te expe­ri­ence in the abun­dance of recipes.

bana­na wal­nut muffins 

The­se are temp­ting muf­fins with the sweet­ness of bana­na and the nut­ty fla­vor of wal­nuts. Bana­nas are rich in ami­no acids, which, tog­e­ther with high­ly bio­available pot­as­si­um, act as a cata­lyst for rich elec­tro­ly­te production.

Liver Rescue Smoothie
Liver Res­cue Smoothie 

The Liver Res­cue Smoothie or Liver Heal­ing Smoothie is an indis­pensable part of liver cle­an­sing and is also a gre­at smoothie to sup­port the liver at any time with any illness. 

Brussels sprout goulash 

This fat-free, vegan goulash is packed with nut­ri­ents. Brussels sprouts are a high­ly nut­ri­tious vege­ta­ble rich in anti­oxi­dants, phy­to­nu­tri­ents, vit­amins C, A and E, and alka­li­zing mine­rals such as cal­ci­um, iron and manganese.

Jalapeño potato poppers
Jala­pe­ño pota­to poppers 

Whe­ther as an appe­ti­zer in a cheerful group or as a small snack in bet­ween, the­se fat-free pota­to pop­pers delight on many occa­si­ons. Pota­toes are high in pot­as­si­um and vit­amin B6 and are an excel­lent source of ami­no acids, espe­ci­al­ly lysine.

lemon cake
lemon cake 

An incre­di­bly deli­cious cake for ever­yo­ne who loves the deli­ca­te­ly sour tas­te of lemons. It is easy to make and tas­tes good even wit­hout the cas­hew gla­ze. Lemons are rich in bio­available vit­amin C and calcium. 

Chaga latte
Cha­ga latte 

Cha­ga lat­te is a won­derful alter­na­ti­ve to cof­fee. It is a quick drink with high anti­oxi­dant pro­per­ties that streng­thens the immu­ne sys­tem. For many, Cha­ga can be a gre­at help in quit­ting cof­fee addiction. 

Rice pan with no egg
Fried rice with “egg”

Lovers of the tas­te of egg will get their money’s worth here as kala namak or black salt imi­ta­tes the tas­te well. A simp­le and fil­ling dish that can be easi­ly pre­pared with lef­to­ver rice.

Stuffed pepper wedges
Stuf­fed pep­per wedges 

Fin­ger food pre­pared very sim­ply, spi­cy and fat-free. Pep­pers are rich in vit­amin C and streng­then the immu­ne sys­tem, while pota­toes are a good source of lys­i­ne and are an anti-patho­ge­nic food. 

Rugelach cookies
Ruge­lach cookies 

The nut­ty, sweet wal­nut fil­ling makes the­se coo­kies a temp­ting tre­at for spe­cial occa­si­ons. They are also ide­al as a break-time snack for the children’s school cans. 

Borscht in bowl
Borscht / Borscht 

Oni­ons are useful for reli­e­ving joint pain and repai­ring ten­dons and con­nec­ti­ve tis­sue. Car­rots are a quick source of glu­co­se bound to mine­rals and vit­amins. Pota­toes are rich in ami­no acids that inhi­bit the growth of viruses.

Piz­za hummus 

A spi­cy, piz­za-style twist on the clas­sic hum­mus with Ita­li­an spi­ces brings varie­ty to this popu­lar pas­te. This reci­pe is simp­le and quick to prepare. 

Cur­ry pota­to salad 

The ease of pre­pa­ra­ti­on is what makes this salad so popu­lar. Pota­toes are an excel­lent source of glu­co­se and res­to­re gly­co­gen stores in the brain, as well as sta­bi­li­ze the adre­nal glands.

Fal­a­fel salad with mint tahi­ni sauce 

Chick­pea fal­a­fel with a deli­cious­ly refres­hing mint tahi­ni sau­ce make this mixed salad some­thing very spe­cial. A plea­su­re, espe­ci­al­ly in warm wea­ther, that is refres­hing and fil­ling at the same time. 

Bra­zi­li­an “cheese” bread 

The­se deli­cious litt­le bread balls are cris­py on the out­side and soft on the insi­de. They are the per­fect litt­le snack bet­ween meals or a deli­cious accom­p­animent to vege­ta­bles, salad or other dishes. 

Spi­cy pas­ta salad “Mayo style” 

Deli­cious rice nood­les make this savo­ry pas­ta salad an irre­sis­ti­ble tre­at, making it the per­fect salad for a sum­mer par­ty. The pick­le sub­sti­tu­te made in-house is also clever. 

Apple juice popsicles on wooden board with apple
Apple juice popsicles 

It can be so easy to enjoy heal­ing spi­ces in a tasty way. With this apple juice ice cream on a stick, even child­ren can easi­ly get exci­ted about healt­hy things. 

Fat-free eggplant dip in glass bowl
Bab­a­ga­noush – egg­plant dip 

Bab­a­ga­noush is a Midd­le Eas­tern egg­plant dip that tra­di­tio­nal­ly con­ta­ins fat. In this tasty ver­si­on, fat is omit­ted for the sake of the liver.

Hibiscus lemonade and lemon balm lemonade in the herb bed
Lemon balm and hibis­cus lemonade 

Hibis­cus lemo­na­de free­zes well in ice cubes and can then be used to spi­ce up plain water as nee­ded. The lemon balm lemo­na­de is fil­led with solar power and is the­r­e­fo­re par­ti­cu­lar­ly healing. 

Stuffed avocado veggie pinwheels next to parsley
Avo­ca­do veggie pinwheels 

The­se deli­cious tor­til­la bites are an attrac­ti­ve choice for a pic­nic as deli­cious fin­ger food or as a small snack. Fil­led with cre­a­my avo­ca­dos and vege­ta­bles that can be varied at any time, they offer a varie­ty of variety. 

Red lentil tortillas according to Anthony William
Red len­til tortillas 

Made with just a few ingre­di­ents, the­se red len­til tor­til­las are a fan­ta­stic meal for the who­le fami­ly. The choice of fil­lings are num­e­rous, such as fresh sal­sa, salad, sau­té­ed vege­ta­bles, avo­ca­do, hum­mus, len­tils or roas­ted vegetables.

vegan egg-free mayonnaise in glass bowl
Muneeza’s egg-free mayonnaise 

This quick-to-prepa­re, egg-free mayon­nai­se is very fla­vorful and a gre­at alter­na­ti­ve for making deli­cious pota­to salads. It also tas­tes very tasty as a dip, for exam­p­le. B. with raw vege­ta­bles or baked potatoes. 

Potato and cauliflower soup according to Anthony William
Pota­to and cau­li­flower soup 

This cre­a­my pota­to and cau­li­flower soup gets its rich fla­vor from roas­ting the ingre­di­ents befo­re pure­e­ing them. The soup can be made with almond milk or fat-free with broth.

Pineapp­le coco­nut donuts 

Tro­pi­cal fruits like pineapp­le and coco­nut make the­se deli­cious donuts a spe­cial tre­at. Even though they are made wit­hout eggs, dairy pro­ducts and gluten. 

Sweet potato tortilla soup in a bowl
Sweet pota­to tor­til­la soup 

This twist on Mexi­can tor­til­la soup is rich in deli­cious fla­vors while still being a fil­ling meal. The addi­ti­on of sweet pota­toes gives it even more heal­ing nut­ri­ents and an extra dose of flavor. 

Bana­na oat break­fast cookies 

A mini­ma­list reci­pe that uses only 4 ingre­di­ents and is quick to prepa­re. Child­ren also real­ly like the­se coo­kies and can easi­ly bake them themselves. 

Len­til and vege­ta­ble bread 

Hear­ty and jui­cy in tas­te, this dish is sui­ta­ble as a fil­ling lunch or evening meal. A very good addi­ti­on is a fresh, colorful salad or any kind of vege­ta­ble side dish. 

Chickpeas in tomato sauce
Chick­peas with fiery spiciness 

This dish is a deli­cious stew that will defi­ni­te­ly find many fans thanks to its simp­le, quick pre­pa­ra­ti­on and the ingre­di­ents that store well. 

Glass bowl with tzatziki
Tzat­zi­ki & Dips 

With the­se three dif­fe­rent dips the­re should be some­thing for ever­yo­ne. Vegan tzat­zi­ki made from cau­li­flower, cre­a­my cas­hew sau­ce and aro­ma­tic tahi­ni dip go per­fect­ly with pota­toes with vege­ta­bles, in pota­to wraps or a con­for­mal pota­to kebab.

Bean balls on rice spaghetti 

Hear­ty balls of black beans in a spi­cy toma­to sau­ce on rice spa­ghet­ti are also enjoy­ed by guests and fami­ly mem­bers. The balls are also very tasty with mil­let or rice and can also be eaten cold at a picnic. 

Nacho fries with salsa 

A varie­ty of fla­vors from cris­py fries, fat-free “nacho cheese” sau­ce, cara­me­li­zed oni­ons, sau­té­ed pep­pers, aro­ma­tic sal­sa and hot sau­ce make this dish a deli­cious meal. 

Piz­za spaghetti 

For fans of Ita­li­an cui­sine, this reci­pe is a deli­cious tre­at. The aro­ma­tic, spi­cy sau­ce with its clas­sic Ita­li­an herbs is low in fat and is popu­lar with young and old.

Stuf­fed egg­plant rolls 

Baked egg­plant is the basis for the­se rolls fil­led with avo­ca­do cream. A deli­cious appe­ti­zer with which a light toma­to sau­ce is the per­fect combination. 

Spring rolls on plate with 2 sauces
Cris­py spring rolls 

Fried wit­hout fat in a hot air fry­er, the­se cris­py spring rolls are cris­py on the out­side and jui­cy and spi­cy on the insi­de. Pre­pared this way, they are a way to enjoy wit­hout having to accept the usu­al dis­ad­van­ta­ges of fried foods. 

Gnoc­chi with “bacon cream sauce” 

This hear­ty and fat­ty dish is defi­ni­te­ly not for every day, but is a tre­at for a spe­cial occa­si­on. It is also ide­al for enjoy­ing a meal with guests. 


We know tab­bou­leh with bul­gur from Ara­bic cui­sine. This com­pli­ant ver­si­on con­ta­ins chop­ped almonds ins­tead. If you would like to incor­po­ra­te more pars­ley into your diet, you should try this deli­cious dish. 

Len­til cur­ry with sweet potatoes 

Plea­sant­ly spi­cy and seduc­tively scen­ted, this len­til cur­ry is a delight for all the sen­ses. An uncom­pli­ca­ted dish that can also be pre­pared very well with pumpkin. 


A won­derful­ly frui­ty, jui­cy cake that is com­ple­te­ly free of glu­ten, sugar, unhe­alt­hy fats and dairy pro­ducts. Cher­ries are espe­ci­al­ly bene­fi­ci­al for women becau­se they cle­an­se the ute­rus of toxins. 

Heal­ing food cream 

A win­ter des­sert that not only tas­tes deli­cious, but is also a true heal­ing food. This des­sert is easy to prepa­re and tas­tes par­ti­cu­lar­ly deli­cious when chilled. 

Sweet pota­toes with red cabbage 

Baked sweet pota­toes stuf­fed with red cab­ba­ge and a spi­cy-sweet sau­ce make this reci­pe some­thing very spe­cial. It is per­fect for cold days and also very filling. 
